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EVENT War with Bots! 29. Jan. 2018 Views 7807

Starting from 30th January, we are declaring the War with Bots!


We’ve confirmed so many bots nowadays actively show up in game.

These bots have been ruining the item prices and gold prices of the game economy.

Our programmers have been tracing the Bot programs and the patterns of the bot players.

We will be adapting and applying as many ways as possible to avoid the bot programs and players from now on. We will be strictly ban on those accounts and related accounts as well.



In order to do so with more accurate data, and to make the server nice and clean with only the legit players, we will be holding an event as following:


Event: War with Bots


Event Period: Starting from 30th January 00:00 ~ 28th February 24:00


Details: Send us any information related to the latest Bot Programs including but not limited to the information of sellers, buyers, name of the programs, distribution path, and so on to our Official Email Address, then, we will randomly pick 15 players each week and reward them with items. Make sure you send us your IGN together. At the same time, our developers will be working on their own methods as well.

Official Email Address:



-Altea’s Gacha Box 10ea (5 people)

-A cover title of “Serial Bot Killer” (8 people)

-Crystal Point 1,000 (1 person)

-DNP 1,000 (1 person) 


Please note that the rewards will be given for those 15 people picked randomly out of the whole list who submitted bot-related information via email.

-We will be going through all the history, logs and do research on the information gathered, so make sure your information is relevant to the bot issue.

-Any account that has been banned due to infringement of game abuse policies during the event or reward period will not be compensated.

-We will post the Reward Recipients List every week after a scheduled maintenance with IGNs (censored).

-The first reward recipient list will be announced on 6th February after the Update Patch.

-Overlapping information and Copy-and-Pasted emails won’t be counted.

-When you receive the reward, make sure you collect it from the Special Storage within a week from the date it was sent, otherwise the reward will be expired and it will not be reimbursed.  



Thanks for your cooperation!