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CREDIT Monthly Reward Program for Best Observers (September 2023) 11. Oct. 2023 Views 4255

Happy to announce the September 2023 Best Observer in the SEA server!




IGN Report Description Reward Info.
Accentier When using Smasher's Hero Skill in Stages or Arc Transcendence, the hero skill did not trigger. Special Lagendia Pandora Box
(7-days durational) 5ea
Gelopeeps There are no gold drops from Lucky Zone.
CKJacky If a player invite other players at Milla Laurel without creating party manually, it will create a party with level 255 restriction.



- Rewards will be given on an account basis, and only level 99 characters can claim those.

- Reward will be delivered during the scheduled maintenance on 17th October 2023 (GMT+8).
- Non-claimed or deleted rewards won't be recovered for any reason.
- The Customer Center and [GM]s won't provide any help in transferring rewards.