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EVENT SEA X Classic Cross Server Event 20. Mar. 2025 Views 7389


Hello, Adventurers!



Dragon Nest Classic has officially launched on March 20th!


To celebrate, we have prepared a special event for players on both the SEA and Classic servers to enjoy.


Please refer below for further details.



[Event Period]


2025.03.20 After Grand Launch ~ 2025.04.16 Before Maintenance


[Event Details]


1. Clear the respective missions for the SEA and Classic servers.

2. Clear the SEA server missions for Classic server rewards, and clear the Classic server missions for SEA server rewards


[Missions & Rewards]


Classic Server Mission SEA Server Reward Quantity Note
Achieved when you complete 1st specialization Love of friend(Untradable) 10 -
Attempt enhancement
100 times
Commander Jade's weapon exchange Ticket 2 -
Reach Level 32 Grubby Key (Untradable) 10 -
Clear Cerberus Nest twice Superb Ancient Wisdom 1,500 -
Cumulative login time of
7 days
Commander Jade Pouch 1 Contains:
Necklace, Wings, Tail, Decal


SEA Server Mission Classic Server Reward Quantity
Stay logged in for 30 minutes [GM]Adventurer's Bag (10-Slot) 1
Complete Beginner's Guide -
Dragon Nest Newbie 
Manticore Minion (30days) 1
Clear 5 World Daily Tasks Mid Grade Earth Gem Package 5
Clear LUCKY ZONE stage on
Labyrinth 10F+ difficulty 5 times.
Corora 10
Cumulative login time of 7 days Super Diamond Pandora Package (5 sets) 5





- Rewards will be given once and on an account basis.
- You need to use the same account for SEA and Classic servers to claim the rewards.
- The rewards will be distributed during the maintenance a week after the April update.
- The distributed rewards can be claimed from April 23rd (Wed) to May 14th (Wed).
- All 'Commander Jade' rewards for the SEA server are non-tradable.
- You must equip all six parts of 'Commander Jade' to transform.
- You can check in-game whether the items are bound or can be transferred through Storage.
- The schedule is subject to change based on operational needs.
- If you have already completed the Beginner's Guide - Dragon Nest Newbie before the event, it will be counted automatically.



We ask for your support and interest in this exciting event!



Thank you.