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UPDATE [PATCHNOTE] May Update 13. May. 2018 Views 96978


[1] Updates


1. Machina Awakening

2. Cerberus Beginner Nest

3. Dark Avenger Scenario Revamp



[2] Changes/Additions


1. Changes in Hero Level

2. Changes in Daily Fatigue

3. Expansion of Hope Flower Usage Area

4. Daily Tasks and Weekly Tasks

5. Level 95 Dungeons (Abyss)

6. Changes in Abundance Talisman

7. Changes in Party Reward Points

8. Green Dragon Nest Time Attack – Nerfed Monster HP

9. Reckless Umrak Remake

10. Slayer Mode

11. Slayer's Testing Ground

12. Changes in Storage UI

13. Changes in Guild Contents

14. Changes in Dungeons

15. Increase in Light and Darkness Cube

16. Dungeon Points Store

17. Changes in Daily Tasks

18. Changes in Icons

19. Gold Goblin Coin and Enhancement Hammer

20. Addition in Returned Hero Reward

21. Others



[3] Balancing


1. Changes on PVE/PVP Skills

2. PVE/PVP Skill Balancing



[4] Cash Shop Update


1. Machina Wedding Costume Returned

2. New Mount

3. Aircrew Costume

4. Hats of Memory Box

5. Unique Dragon Jade Craft Material Package

6. Crystal Point on Sale

7. Conversion (Armor) Treasure Chest Back on Sale

8. Premium Storage Coupon on Sale








1. Machina Awakening

※ (Correction) Please note that the Costume Discount Coupon for completing Awakening Quests will ONLY BE RELEASED FOR MACHINA AFTER THE 15TH MAY UPDATE PATCH. The Costume Discount Coupon for completing Awakening Quests are not released for the other classes. 



◆ Awakening Quest


  •  [Lv. 90][Awakening] New Power Beckons
  •  Players who have completed their 2nd specialization but have not taken the 2nd specialization quest can still take this  Awakening quest.     (Classes without Awakening cannot take the quest.)
  •  Players who have not completed 2nd specialization yet will be able to see the exclamation mark above the NPC’s head but will not be able to take the quest.
  •  You can get the Awakening quest from Priestess of Darkness Mocha.
  •  When you accept the Awakening quest and complete all related quests, Awakening tab will become available in Skill window [K] and you can start using Awakened skills.


◆ [Ruina]


• Before Awakening, Ruina had the problem of skill combos being fixed and all her damage concentrated in the successive [Overcharge]. In order to solve this problem, [Overcharge] skill has been changed to a skill with cooldown that deals damage on its own instead of inheriting damage of the preceding skill. Now an additional control allows you to choose to attack without advancing forward.

• With the above changes in [Overcharge] which used to have a high damage weightage, damage of other skills have increased for the overall balance in skill damage.

• Also, with Awakening, Ruina is no longer bound by fixed skill combos. [Duck] skill will be revamped so that it can be used to cancel any main skills while they are in use to allow you to follow up with another skill. This allows various combo plays that suits your skill proficiency and preferences. To provide complete freedom in successive skills, increase in damage with [Gear Step] has been removed.

• Apart from that, you can now manage Steam more easily when attacking enemies, even without the pointless repeated usage of Duck, and various skill conveniences have improved, including Awakening skill.


Rock Fist (Active) : Slams the ground up to 4 times to create circular shockwaves nearby. Afterwards, Ruina pulls her fist from the ground and additionally attacks enemies with the shards that pop out of the ground. The more she slams the ground, the more shards to shoot. Can be used in the air.


Beast Rush (Active) : Dashes forward and hits enemies with a powerful shoulder attack and when the attack hits enemies accurately, a rampant combination of Ruina's skills is used. Ruina is invulnerable during the rampant attack and the attack can be cancelled any time with [Duck].


[Awakened Passive] Duck : When you are using [Flow Up], [Flow Through], [Flying Knee Kick], [Kidney Blow], or [Overhit], you can cancel it any time by using [Duck] and cooldown time of the cancelled skill will be reduced. Cooldown is reduced even when the skill is cancelled after it hits targets so you can use this to relay successive skills and make use of the cooldown reduction.


[Awakened Passive] Overclock : Deals additional damage when an attack hits enemies accurately with Critical while [Overclock] buff is active.   (Overclock skill has been changed to a normal buff skill. Please refer to [Machina Awakening Balance Changes] for more details)


[Awakened Passive] Steam Mastery : When you use [Flow Up], [Flow Through], [Flying Knee Kick], or [Kidney Blow], you will get 2 [Steam].


[Awakened Passive] Overcharge : [Overcharge]'s Attack Power increases and when you enter [Back Direction Key] during Level 2 charging, the character will not move forward but attack on the spot with a powerful punching action.



◆ [Defensio]


• With Awakening, changes have been made as a part of [Tanker and Healer revamp]. Most importantly, a shield that absorbs damage equal to a proportion of party member's HP can be given to party members with [Awakened Passive] Overclock skill. For more details, please refer to [Machina Awakening Balance Changes].

• Like Ruina, increase in damage for successive skill combo using [Gear Step] has been removed, but using [Current Mastery] Passive in skill combo creates [Recovery Current] which can be exploded using the Awakening skill [Reverse Order] to deal damage. Also, more skills can now be used in the air.


Reverse Order (Active) : Commands nearby [Recovery Currents] to immediately change into [Explosion Currents] to attack enemies. Also, if there are [Marks] on enemies created by [Taunting Blow], they will explode too.

Ruination (Active) : Descends rapidly from midair and hits the ground with a fist to lift the ground in front and create shockwaves that attack enemies.

[Awakened Passive] Air Shove : [Air Shove] is activated automatically at a fixed rate when you are attacked on the ground or in the air.

[Awakened Passive] Overclock : When [Overclock] buff is used, a shield that absorbs damage equal to a certain percentage of ally's HP protects nearby allies for a fixed duration.

[Awakened Passive] Taunting Blow : [Taunting Blow] can be used in the air and using it in the air will recover half the cooldown time. However, [Provoke] and [Mark] effects are not created when Taunting Blow is used in the air.

[Awakened Passive] Current Mastery : When [Step Up] is followed with [Beat Down] or [Leap Over], 1 [Recovery Current] will be created.


◆ Awakened Character Balance Changes






2. Cerberus Beginner Nest





◆ Story


You have taken your first step on Hero's path.

After surviving countless battles,

can you prove your worth even with a blunt blade?


Open the gates of hell!

Only the one who slays the hound from hell

shall be worthy of the ultimate weapon!


◆ Entry Info


※ Stats will be balanced for Cerberus Beginner Nest.




◆ Entry Ticket


  • Where to get Cerberus Fellowship Special Entry Ticket : 

       -  New Level 95 players will get 3 Cerberus Fellowship Special Entry Tickets in their Mailbox.

       -  Players who have already reached Level 95 in the past will not get the tickets.

       -  You need Cerberus Fellowship Special Entry Ticket to enter <Cerberus Beginner Nest>.


◆ Special Entry Ticket


  • How to use Special Entry Ticket :

        - It can be used when you are in a party and the party leader has Special Entry Ticket.

        - Special Entry Ticket can only be used in certain Nests.

  • Only the party leader's Special Entry Ticket will be used.
  • If you are a party member, you can enter whether or not you have an entry ticket.
  • When Special Entry Ticket is used, Fatigue and Clear Count will not be deducted.


◆ Guide Quest


  • Remote Quest -> [Lv. 95] Sleepless Beast -> Traveller Free
  • You can get the guide quest from Traveller Free in Saint Haven after accepting the Remote Quest.
  • Rewards for the guide quest will differ based on the achievement conditions for characters.

※ You can get the guide quest from Traveller Free in front of Saint Haven’s fountain.


◆ Stages


  • Stage 1 : Underground Mine Tribe, “Crow Hobgoblin"

         - Underground mine’s Crow is an agile hobgoblin with powerful axe skills.

  • Stage 2 : Lich Goblin, “Brethren Summoner"

         - Unlike his scrawny features, Lich Goblin casts powerful dark magic and commands the undead.

  • Stage 3 : Guard Commander, “Minotaur Byson”

         - Minotaur Byson is a commander guard protecting Cerberus Nest with his immense strength

  • Stage 4 : The Gluttons, “Ogre Brothers”

         - The hoggish Ogre Brothers have a strong brotherly bond and are filled with darkness.

  • Stage 5 : Gatekeeper of Hell, “Cerberus Kakari"

         - The three-headed hound from hell has a different temperament and power for each head.


◆ Party Leader Rewards


  • Goods to help new heroes settle in

         - You can get various goods, Gold, and point items that are needed for growth after reaching Level 95:

           Gold Pouch (500G) 

           Jelly Pouch  


           Low Grade Hero's Weapon/Armor Powerstones 


◆ Party Member Rewards


  • Party members can also get various points and Gold.

         - You can get various goods, Gold, and point items that are needed for growth after reaching Level 95:

           Fortune Coin - Nest Points (2000)

           Fortune Coin - Dungeon Points (3000)

           Fortune Coin - Nightmare Points (5000)

           Fortune Coin - Community Points (1000)





3. Dark Avenger Scenario Revamp



Will this difficult choice

bring a hope that saves you,

or a calamity that punishes me?


I remember the faint light,

that shone upon me

while I was submerged in darkness.



light my path beside me,

and I will bring you salvation.


 ※ Dark Avenger's tutorial and specialization quest story have changed.

 ※ Press the shortcut key "U" and click "Remote Quest" tab at the top of the quest window. Accept specialization quest to read the new story.

※ You can get the first specialization quest from Saint Haven's Master Warrior Rodrigo.

※ You can accept the quest only after reaching Level 50 with a Dark Avenger character



[2] Changes/Additions





1. Changes in Hero Level



◆ Increased maximum Hero level


  • Hero's maximum level has increased so that Heroes can keep growing as you play the game.
  • Now you are no longer limited by the maximum level.
  • Existing Hero Level EXP will be reflected in Hero Level.


◆ Changes in Hero Level EXP


  • Hero Level EXP gained from dungeons and Nests will increase greatly.
  • More ways of getting Hero Level EXP will be added in the future


◆ Changes in Stat Increment due to Hero Level


  • Only Physical Attack, Magic Attack, and Final Damage will increase following Hero’s Level.
  • Attack Powers will increase by a fixed amount for each level and Final Damage will increase in another way.
  • Other stats such as Critical and HP which used to be increased with Hero Level are no longer increased.




2. Changes in Daily Fatigue


◆ Available Daily Fatigue has increased from 700 to 1500.





3. Expansion of Hope Flower Usage Area



◆ Wider Usage of [Hope Flower]


  • (New) It can be used up to 5 times in Hardcore/Hell [Heatwave Volcano Nest], [Grievous Guardian Nest], and [Ominous Mist Nest].
  • You can use Hope Flower after using up all resurrections allowed in the Nests.





4. Daily Tasks and Weekly Tasks



 Changes in Daily Task Reward


  • Some of the rewards for Daily Tasks will be changed.
  • You can sell the new reward "Hero's Gold Coin" at the store for 1 Gold.


◆ Weekly Task Added


  • New Weekly Task has been added.
  • You can sell the new reward "Hero's Gold Coin" at the store for 1 Gold.

  • What is Hero's Gold Hoin? 





5. Level 95 Dungeons (Abyss)



◆ [Changes in Level 95 Dungeons (Abyss) Rewards]


  • Gold reward for Chiron Island's Abyss dungeon will be changed.


◆ [More Gold dropped]


  • The amount of Gold dropped when monsters are killed has been greatly increased.

  • You can expect to get the following amount of Gold when you kill normal and boss monsters.


◆ [Reduced drop weightage for party size]


  • Drop rate does not increase based on the party size anymore.


◆ [Increased Fatigue Consumption]


  • Fatigue consumption has increased from 60 to 150





6. Changes in Abundance Talisman



◆ [Item Disassembly]


  • Abundance Talisman that you can get from item disassembly is changed from 50% to 15%.


◆ [Crystal Store]


  • Abundance Talisman that you can get from Crystal Store is changed from 50% to 15%.
  • Price has changed form 35,000 Crystals to 12,000 Crystals.


◆ [Guild Board and Guild Nest]


  • Abundance Talisman that you can get from Guild Board and Guild Nests is changed from 50% to 15%.





7. Changes in Party Reward Points



◆ With the increasing benefits of playing alone, we thought that less amount of Community Points could be earned from playing in a party, so we have made adjustments to some of the points given as party rewards.






8. Green Dragon Nest Time Attack – Nerfed Monster HP



◆ Starting from this month, health of monsters in [Green Dragon Time Attack] will decrease by 10% every month compared to the HP at first update.



◆ [Entry Area] Monsters' HP is reduced by 50% (excluding “Bishop Geneus” and “Stubborn Investigator Gatts”)





9. Reckless Umrak Remake



  • Enemy monsters will appear faster.
  • Better players can clear faster.
  • Protection Crystal's location has changed.
  • There are more than one Reckless Umrak!





10. Slayer Mode



◆ Fatigue consumption removed


  • Fatigue is no longer deducted when you enter Slayer Mode. Now you can enter Slayer Mode without using Fatigue if you have Slayer Mode Entry Ticket.



◆ Changes in Slayer equipment names


  • From now on, Slayer equipment can be obtained as rewards for PVP contents so the name of Slayer equipment has been changed to "Hector" equipment.





11. Slayer's Testing Ground



◆ [Changes in Fatigue for Slayer Testing Ground]


  • Fatigue used in Slayer Testing Ground has been reduced from 180 to 150.
  • Fatigue used in Slayer Testing Ground (X4) has been reduced from 700 to 600





12. Changes in Storage UI



◆ Inactive items for storage


  • Items that cannot be placed in the storage selected in Storage UI will be shown as inactive in Inventory.





13. Changes in Guild Contents



◆ [Guild Board]


  • Guild Board rewards have changed.
  • Contribution required for getting a reward remains unchanged.
  • Only characters who are at least Level 95 can get the rewards.


◆ [Guild Nest]


  • Guild Nest rewards have changed.
  • Contribution required for getting a reward remains unchanged.
  • Only characters who are at least Level 95 can get the rewards.


◆ [Old Guild Contents Rewards]


  • Reward pouches obtained from Guild contents in the past will be changed to (Old) items.
  • Contents inside (Old) items will not change.


◆ Help guide regarding Guild Contents added


  • Help guide for [Guild Points] and [Guild Contents] has been added to Guild Window [G].
  • Question mark icon has been added to [Guild (G) Window], [Guild Contents Window], and [Guild Board].
  • Mouse over on the question mark icon or click it to see more information.

◆ Changes in Guild Point message


  • Now messages regarding guild members’ [Guild Mission Accomplishment] will not be shown to you.
  • [Guild Point Messages] that appear when you [Clear Stage] or [Accomplish Guild Mission] will now only show the points acquired by you.
  • Message for maximum Guild Points reached has become more intuitive as well.





14. Changes in Dungeons



◆ [Increased Dungeon EXP after Level 90]


  • After the adjustments in Fatigue, daily play limit of stages below Level 95 was reduced and this has unintentionally resulted in slower character level growth.
  • To solve this problem, we have increased EXP gained in Merca’s Heart dungeons for players above Level 90.


◆ [Changes in Gold/Silver/Bronze chest rewards inside the dungeon]


  • Rewards inside Gold/Silver/Bronze treasure chests in Level 95 Abyss dungeons have changed.


◆ [Changes in Gold Goblin]


  • It appears more.
  • It has more Gold.
  • It appears in various places.


◆ [Gameplay and improvements]


  • Some monsters now appear faster so you don’t have to wait as much.
  • Clear reaction has been improved in certain zones so you can advance to the next area more quickly.





15. Increase in Light and Darkness Cube



◆ [Increased Light and Darkness Cubes]


  • The amount of Light and Darkness Cubes you can get has increased.





16. Dungeon Points Store



◆ Items added to Dungeon Points Store


  • New items are available in Dungeon Points Store.
  • 4 Goddess’s Titles that could only be acquired from [Goddess’s Grief Pouch] can now be bought using Dungeon Points too.
  • You can also use Dungeon Points to buy Material Pouch (Dragon Jade) that contains Low Grade Luminous Dragon Jade Fragment/Heart at a random rate and Material Pouch (Talisman) which contains Low Grade Luminous Talisman Essence/Fragment at a random rate.





17. Changes in Daily Tasks



◆ Changes in Daily Task


  • Some of the Daily Task missions and rewards have been changed.





18. Changes in Icons



◆ Changes in Heraldry and Talisman icons


  • Some Heraldry and Talisman icons have been changed to make it easier to sort them based on type and level.





19. Gold Goblin Coin and Enhancement Hammer



◆ Changes and Additions in Item Effects


  • Effect is added for Gold Goblin Coin
  • For Enhancement Hammers, effect is shown only for Legend grade





20. Addition in Returned Hero Reward



◆ Rune Dragon Hunter's Accessories (rings/earrings/necklace) are added for the Returned Hero's Quest Rewards





21. Others



◆ Fellowship Heraldry can be placed in Server Storage


  • All Fellowship Heraldries (Attack/Elevation/Origin/Striking) except Chaos Fellowship Heraldry can now be stored in the Server Storage.


◆ Enhanced Hector equipment stats


  • In the previous patch, Hero's Calypse equipment stats were enhanced but Hector equipment (previously Slayer equipment) stats remained unchanged. So in this patch, we have increased some stats for Hector equipment to make [Hector equipment = Hero's Calypse equipment Tier 1 +20 Enhancement Level] like before.  


◆ Rune Dragon evolution route removed


  • As we have informed you in the last patch notes, Unique/Legend grade Rune Dragon equipment can no longer be converted into Level 95 equipment. You cannot upgrade Rune Dragon equipment to 95 tier equipment at the Blacksmith.  


◆ <Irine’s Specialization Gift> Removed


  • <Irine’s Specialization Gift> quest that gave costumes for each class when players completed specialization has been removed.



[3] Balancing





1. Changes on PVE/PVP Skills



※ Some of the skill plates effect will be removed due to skill balancing.





2. PVE/PVP Skill Balancing





[4] Cash Shop Update





1. Machina Wedding Costume Returned in Cash Shop(+Weapons too!)







2. New Mount(Sober Guardian Dragon)

Get this mount from updated Altea's Gacha Box! 





3. Aircrew Costume







4. Hats of Memory Box



Hats of Memory Box contains various hat items.

You can get hats (possibly the ones released years ago) randomly from the box. 

The Box is sold in Cash Shop.  





5. Unique Dragon Jade Craft Material Package



The Unique Dragon Jade Craft Material Package contains the materials that are needed for crafting a Unique Dragon Jade.

The package is sold in Cash Shop. 





6. Crystal Point on Sale



Now the Crystal Point is sold in Cash Shop.

At the same time, Crystal Point Store has been upgrade and now you can purcahse "Bunny Costume" and "Marine Costume" in the Crystal Store with Crystal Points. 


※ Bunny Costume doesn't include the costume for Machina, and the weapons either. 

   The costumes for the other characters are all on sale. 


※ Marine Look Costumes include the costumes for every class and weapons too. 

※ Please note that the stats with the costumes are still the same. 

※ In order to increase the stats, acquire Conversion Armor and/or Conversion Weapon for each part. Then, you can maintain the designs with any costume you like with the highest Cash Costume Stats (from the Conversion Armors & Weapons Items). 





7. Conversion (Armor) Treasure Chest Back on Sale



  • The Conversion Armor Treasure Chest is back on sale in Cash Shop. 
  • This is only for a short time, so do not miss out the chance!

※ Please note that the ways to acquire a Conversion Armor item and a Conversion Weapon item are different. 

   For Conversion Armor, you can get the fully enhanced armor item for a part from Conversion (Armor) Treasure Chest with certain percentage. However, for Conversion Weapon, you have to acquire a Conversion Main Weapon or a Conversion Secondary Weapon from Conversion Weapon Treasure Box first and enhance them with Magic Conversion Keys. 

   However, the Conversion Costume Items will allow you to wear any costumes you like over the Conversion Costumes in order to maintain the fabulous look and the highest stats at the same time. 





8. Premium Storage Coupon on Sale




  • Premium Storage Coupon is a coupon to transfer equipment to Premium Storage (server). It is required when transferring Unique or Legend rarity Lv. 95 Equipment (Weapon or Armor) as a fee. 
  • Required amounts of the coupon differ depending on the equipment's rarity. Transfered equipment has same enhancement level. Transfered equipment keeps its inserted Dragon gems.
  • The item will be on sale from 29th May* after the scheduled maintenance.