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UPDATE [Patchnote] August Update 09. Aug. 2018 Views 69938

[1] Updates

1. Storm of Time and Space

2. Party Matching System

3. Spinoff Character's Specialization Story Revamp: Ray Mechanic

4. Cheerleader Harori

5. Lebria Heraldry Quest 2

6. Return to Farm Festival (Fishing)



[2] Changes/Additions

1. Others



[3] Events

1. Everyone's Banquet



[4] Cash Shop

1. Engraving Scroll Package (Weapon / Armour) 

2. Brass Band Costume (Synthesis Costume)

3. Anniversary Eye Gacha Box released (+ Reference images added)

4. Sasha, Eddie upgraded to Epic Pet

5. Legend Pet Accessory System for Epic Pets (updated) 






[1] Updates 


[1-1] Storm of Time and Space






◆ Dungeon Information (Storm of Time and Space : Nests)



Entry Info 



Storm of Time and Space Characteristics 



1. When you enter Storm of Time and Space, you will randomly enter one of the Nests.

  – Currently investigated Nests : Manticore Nest, Archbishop Nest, Daidalos Nest

  ※ More Nests may be added in the future depending on the Garden of Time and Space’s condition.



2. Nests in Storm of Time and Space are balanced.

  – All players can play together regardless of their item specs.


3. When you enter, action and movement speeds will increase by 30% due to “Proof of Solidarity” buff.




Special Dungeon Rewards 



There are special items that you can get only from Storm of Time and Space.


1. Dimension Rock

An item you can get from the “Eye of the Storm” that appears in the unstable Garden of Time and Space.

Having the refined energy of the Eye of the Storm gives tremendous power to heroes who explore the Labyrinth.


 - You will get a powerful buff when you enter a Labyrinth Nest with Dimension Rock in your Inventory.

 - Dimension Rock expires in 24 hours and will disappear when it expires.

 - There are 3 types of Dimension Rocks: Breeze, Zephyr, and Gale.

   If you have multiple stones, only the strongest buff will be applied.



- How to get : When you touch the Eye of the Storm that appears when you clear Storm of Time and Space Nest, Dimension Rock will be dropped at a set rate.
※ When Dimension Rock is dropped, the same item in your Inventory will be destroyed if there is one.




- How to use : Its effects and buff will be applied when you enter Labyrinth Nest with the Dimension Rock in your Inventory.




2. Rising Cliff

A place where remnants of Altea are floating around in ripples of Goddess’s tears.

The Black Cliff Guardians created from the darkest energy of powerful monsters carry rare knickknacks.


 - There is a low chance of this area becoming available for entry when you have cleared Rising Cliff.




- Cliff Guardians made of souls reside in this place and you can loot their belongs when you win the battle.




- How to enter : Enter the “Cliff Rose” gate which appears at a low rate when you clear Storm of Time and Space Nest.








  •  Expected Rewards for Gold Chest

-   All the treasure chests that appear when you clear a Storm of Time and Space Nest are Gold Chests!

-   You can get 10 to 50 [Polished Garnets] from the Gold Chest. 




  • Expected Rewards for Hidden Boss

-   You can get additional rewards for defeating the hidden boss!

-   Rewards you can get are shown below.





◆ Quest Information




※ Before you complete [The War Begins, Storm of Time and Space] quest, you can enter Storm of Time and Space only through quests.

※ After completing [The War Begins, Storm of Time and Space] quest, you can etner Storm of Time and Space directly

by talking to Guide Zephyrus and selecting [Enter Storm of Time and Space] menu.






Changes in Storm of Time and Space



   Important Changes   



[Zephyrus' Cheer Buff]

-   When the battle in Storm of Time and Space takes too long, Zephyrus will cheer the Dimension Guardians.

-   With Zephyrus’ cheer, you will get a powerful buff for 3 minutes.
[30% reduction in skill cooldown time, 50% increase in attack power, maximum HP and  MP recovery, 30% increase in action speed]

-   Zephyrus' Cheer buff cannot be stacked with Proof of Solidarity buff.

-   Zephyrus' Cheer will disappear when you kill each stage’s boss.



[Changes in monster balance]

-   Damage over time such as poisoning and burns has been lowered by about 50%.

-   Protection value of all monsters has been reduced by about 30%.

[Message notification after Nest is cleared]

-   After collecting all rewards, a guide message that says “You have disintegrated the Eye of the Storm. Please return to town.” will be shown.

-   When Eye of the Storm has been disintegrated, you can return to town through the party leader.




   Changes in Each Nest    Manticore Nest


[Stage 3 – Giant Stone Half Golem]

-   We have made changes for reflection being activated even though there is time remaining in ‘Protect’ pattern.




   Changes in Each Nest    Archbishop Nest



[Stage 1 – Half Golem Toadstool]

-   Damage of 4-directional area attack is lowered by about 20%.


[Stage 4 – Archbishop Kazalman]

-   Monster’s attack power is reduced by about 20%.


[Stage 4 – Golem Fujinorth]

-   Monster’s attack power is reduced by about 40%.

-   Changes have been made to prevent multiple hits within a short time frame for flame floor and poison fog.

-   Changes have been made to Sniper’s Wind Shot and Sentinel’s Tracking Arrows not generating hits.

-   Partial destruction is not applied on Golem Fujinorth.




   Changes in Each Nest    Daidalos Nest


[Stage 2 –Fannie Broka]

-   Double stomp pattern’s damage is lowered by about 70%.

-   Fannie Broka’s HP is lowered by about 30%.




- When party matching is cancelled without entering “Ready” in the getting ready phase of party matching, there will be a cooldown penalty until you can request for party matching again.

- Party matching will not be available when there is a party member who is waiting for penalty cooldown or when party matching is requested after quitting a party.

- If a party member who is waiting for penalty cooldown quits the party, party matching can be carried on with the same party.








[1-2] Party Matching System




-   Random party matching function has been added.

-   Now you can create [Storm of Time and Space] parties more easily with party matching.



   How to Request Party Matching   

-   Characters who are at least Level 95 can request for party matching through NPC Zephyrus near Saint Haven Fountain who is recruiting applicants for [Dimension Guardians].

(Zephyrus will appear when you reach Level 95.)






   Requesting Party Matching   

-   When you have accepted the party matching quest, “Enter Storm of Time and Space”, from Zephyrus, [Party Matching Request] window will appear.





   Party Matching   

-   When you search for match, a request for party matching will be registered and you will enter a waiting list for creating a 4-player party.

-   Some functions are restricted when you enter the waiting list.

(You cannot change Channel, enter Colosseum, Ladder, or Battle Training Ground, or use the Cash Shop.)




   How to Request Progress Window   





   Ready Window when Party Matching is complete   





   Party Matching Process   







[1-3] Spinoff Character's Specialization Story Revamp: Ray Mechanic












[1-4] Cheerleader Harori




[Harori has appeared]

• In all Nests affected by Labyrinth, Idol Harori will appear to cheer for you.

• With Harori’s cheers, you can get buffs and revive.

• Harori appears in all Labyrinths below [Abyss] difficulty level.



[Harori’s Buff]

• In each stage when battle starts, Harori’s buff will give you a buff that recovers 5% of HP every 2 seconds for 5 minutes.

• When you die in the stage and resurrect before the same stage is cleared, you cannot get the buff again.

• Harori’s buff is not activated in Mist Nest’s [Watcher Crow] and [Chain Wind Hill].



[Harori’s Revival]

• When a stage is cleared, dead players will be resurrected by Harori.

However, if the stage is not cleared, Harori cannot revive dead players









[1-5] Lebria Heraldry Quest 2





   Lebria Store   





※ Package price increases with update level but you can get more powerful Heraldry with higher update levels.

※ Please double check the upgrade level of your Lebria Heraldry before using the item.





※ Newly added item : [Lapis]

The new item [Lapis] which is required in Lebria Heraldry quest is a beautiful gemstone of the same hue as the deep blue sea.



[Lapis] is dropped from Gold and Silver Chests of all stages in Garden of Time and Space’s Fission Nests.

You can also buy Lapis from NPC Cherry’s [Crystal Points Store] with 10,000 Crystal Points.










[1-6] Return to Farm Festival (Fishing)















[2] Changes/Additions


[2-1] Others


1. Changes in Tasks

- Storm of Time and Space Tasks have been added.


2. Exchange of Low, Mid, and High Grade Powerstones has been removed.


3. Summer Event has ended.


4. Best Hero Tournament has ended.











[3] Events


[3-1] Everyone's Banquet




   Entry Info   

• Level Requirements : At least Level 93

• Party Size : 1~2 players

• Weekly Clear Limit : 7 times

• No resurrection

※ You need Everyone's Banquet Entry Ticket to enter.




   Entry Ticket   

• Look for Temple Knight Elizer in front of Saint Haven's Garden of Time and Space.

• You can buy 1 Entry Ticket per day with 1 Copper and it has to be used within 1 day.




   Guide Quest   

• Remote Quest > [Lv93] Everyone’s Banquet


     ※ Press U' key to open the Quest window and go to Remote Quest' tab to accept the quest.




   How to Play   



• Try to go as high as you can to get better rewards.




• When normal stage is cleared, user's HP and MP will be recovered.

• When boss stage is cleared, dead player will resurrect.

• When all players die, stage will end.



<Conditions for getting rewards>

• First Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (4th Floor)

• Second Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (7th Floor)

• Third Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (11th Floor)

• Last Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (12th Floor)



※ Users' stats are balanced in Everyone's Banquet.

※ Heroes, pets and potions cannot be used.

※ Overall balancing is applied and you cannot use the following skills and equipment skills.

 - Unified Level Passive Skills

 - Skill Dragon Jade

 - Origin item’s Passive Skills

 - Heraldry Skills

 - Normal Costume Skills

 - Transformation Costume Skills

 - Skill Level Up Accessories

 - Skill Level Up Heraldry

 - Skill Level Up Weapons






• When you enter a normal stage, you will enter a random stage of 2 stages.

• Stage clear count will be recorded when you clear 3rd Floor.






- You can get rewards when you clear Levels 4, 7, 11, and 12 of Everyone's Banquet.

- When you play Everyone's Banquet in a party of 2 players, the number of Cube Fragments obtained by each player may differ at each level.

 However, party size will not affect the maximum and minimum number of Cube Fragments obtainable by each player.

  E.g.) When Player A and Player B clear Level 4 together, Player A may get 2 fragments and Player B may get 9 fragments.

- You can get Rock of Darkness and Gold Goblin Coin at a low rate from the reward chest at the last level, Level 12.






You can use Ancient Element Cube Fragment to exchange for Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman or Ancient Element Cube from [Temple Knight Elizer Everyone's Banquet Store].




   Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman Enhancing   


- [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman] which can be purchased at the Everyone's Banquet Store is a Talisman that has 4 kinds of elements - Fire, Water, Light, and Darkness.

- Initial stats for [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman] purchased at the store are 0.5% for each stat.

- [Ancient Element Cube] can be used to amplify the elemental energy and enhance [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman].

- Each [Ancient Element Cube] increases [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman]'s element stats by 0.1%.

- [Ancient Element Cube] disappears once used.

- [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman]'s elemental stats can be enhanced to up to 5%











[4] Cash Shop


[4-1] Engraving Scroll Package (Weapon / Armour)


The Engraving Scroll Package (Weapon / Armour) will be on sale in the Cash Shop for this month only! :


From August Update Patch date until the September Update Patch. 




[4-2] Brass Band Costume (Synthesis Costume)


The old Brass Band Synthesis Costume is back with upgraded specs. 





[4-3] Anniversary Eye Gacha Box Released


A special Eye Gacha Event box will be on sale during the Eye-Gacha Event period, in celebration of the 1-year Anniversary of Dragon Nest SEA service by EYEDENTITY GAMES! 



   EYE GACHA Key Items   


Metallic Wings, the Origin of Space (UNIQUE GRADE)

Metallic Tail, the Origin of Space (UNIQUE GRADE)

Metallic Decal, the Origin of Space (UNIQUE GRADE)

Metallic Duck Spirit (Growth type)

Metallic Ideal Mount



Below are reference images of the EYE GACHA key items:


Metallic Duck Spirit (Growth type)



Metallic Wings, the Origin of Space 



Metallic Ideal Mount




[4-4] Sasha and Eddie upgraded to Epic Pet


Sasha and Eddie has been upgraded to Epic Pets this month, available in the Cash Shop. 




[4-5] Legend Pet Accessory System for Epic Pets



Updates regarding Pets


The following areas has been changed/added with this month's Update Patch:

- Epic Minion's stats have been upgraded. (Existing equipped Epic Minions included)

- Epic Sasha and Eddie now in CashShop

- Legend Pet Accessory released

- Pet skill changes and additions




Epic Minion Stat

The Epic Minion stats have been upgraded.





How to get Legend Pet Accessories

Legend Pet Accessories are now available at the NPC Trainer Lindsay's [Pet Accessories Store]

Acquire the [Love of Friend] item by exchanging your Epic Minions. Here's how: 





Legend Pet Accessory Stats

※ Legend Pet Accessories can only be applied to Lv.60 Epic Minions. 




Trainer Lindsay's Store Info



Legend Pet Accessories Types