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UPDATE [Patchnote] January Update 06. Jan. 2019 Views 92060

[1] Updates

1. Sunset Cloister 

2. Trial Granom Nest

3. Nest Ranking Added



[2] Changes/Additions

1. Increased Labyrinth Nest EXP

2. Fission Nest Area 2

3. Tasks Revamp

4. Gosuk's Precious Box

5. Improvements in Hero Exploration

6. Improvements in Item Crafting and Option Conversion Window

7. Event/Collection - Improvements in Event Album Window

8. Simple Notification Icon Added

9. Lancer - Knightess Classes Job Change Scroll

10. Improvements in Guild Member Login System Message

11. Changes in the Order of Entering 2nd Password

12. Server Unification Points

13. Improvements in Battle Training Ground

14. Gear Score Sign Added

15. Lebria Store

16. Others



[3] Balance

1. January Skill Balancing Changes PVE

2. January Skill Balancing Changes PVP

3. Additional Skill Balancing Changes PVE

4. Additional Skill Balancing Changes PVP



[3] Event

1. Board Game Battle Season 4



[4] Cash Shop

1. January Costume: Scout Costume

2. January Altea's Gacha Box

- Gold Signus Wings/Decal/Tail

- Pegasus Warhorse Mount

- Bubblebath Kitten Terry Spirit

3. New Hairstyles and Hair Dye added



[5] Web Shop

1. Atonement Darkness Weapon 










[1] Updates

1-1. Sunset Cloister






 Sunset Cloister Entry Information 



1. In the Garden of Time and Space located under Saint Haven’s statue of the goddess, a gate to “Sunset Watchtower” will open.

2. From “Sunset Watchtower”, you can enter “Sunset Cloister”.






 Sunset Cloister Store Added 


- A store related to [Sunset Cloister] has been added.

- You can access the store from Sunset Watchtower located at the centre of Saint Haven.

- You can buy items related to Sunset Cloister from the NPC Priestess of Darkness Canele.

- You can buy Deep Twilight Box which contains certain parts of Goddess Gear from Sunset Cloister Store.






 Sunset Cloister Map 


- Sunset Cloister Map is needed to enter [Sunset Cloister].

- You can make a Sunset Cloister Map using 5 Sunset Cloister Map Fragments.

- There are two types of Sunset Cloister Map Fragments -- tradeable and untradeable.

- When you clear [Lv95 Stage (Abyss)], [Fission Nest (Labyrinth)], [Fission Maze], or [Fission Core], you can get the item at a set rate.

- Chances of obtaining a tradeable Sunset Cloister Map Fragment is very low.

- More Sunset Cloister Map Fragment (Untradeable) are dropped in higher difficulty levels.





 Sunset Cloister Key 


- One Sunset Cloister Key is needed to open Goddess’s Twilight Box that appears at a set rate when you clear [Sunset Cloister].

- When you clear [Lv95 Stage (Abyss)], [Fission Nest (Labyrinth)], [Fission Maze], or [Fission Core], you can get the item at a set rate.





 Reward Information 


- When you clear Sunset Cloister, you can get [Sunset-tinted Leaf], [Goddess’s Twilight Box], or [Sunset Cloister Key].

- The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chances of getting the items.


- You can use Sunset-tinted Leaf to buy items in Sunset Cloister Store.

- Sunset-tinted Leaf cannot be [traded] or [stored in Server Storage].





 Goddess Gear 


- Goddess Gear can be obtained from the newly added “Sunset Cloister”.

- Each Goddess Gear has its unique skill effects.

- There are no class restrictions for Goddess Gears but to enjoy the skill effects, your character’s class must be able to use the skill.

- You can disassemble Goddess Gears to get a large amount of Sunset-tinted Leaf.

- Enhanced Goddess Gears cannot be disassembled.

- Goddess Gear Icon and appearance:






 Sunset Cloister Feats 


- 4 feats have been added for Sunset Cloister in [Achievement (L) - Feat]













1-2. Trial Granom Nest


 A new challenge has opened! 



1. [Trial Granom Nest] and [Trial Chiron Nest] require separate entrance tickets. (you can buy one for each Nest once a week)

2. Lebrium Point rewards for each level in [Trial Chiron Nest] is the same as that of [Trial Chiron Nest].

3. Crystal Point rewards for each level in [Trial Chiron Nest] has been cut by half but the other 50% can be obtained at [Trial Granom Nest].

4. From now on, [Trial Nest] gates will only open on certain days. (Trial Chiron Nest : Sunday, Wednesday, Friday / Trial Granom : Saturday, Tuesday, Friday)




 Entry Information 






 New trials are here to challenge you! 


1. New trials will appear in Trial Chiron/Granom Nest.



2. “Trial of Plague” has become more powerful.




 Trial Granom Nest Missions Added 


[ Achievement (L) – Nest  ] now has new Trial Granom Nest Missions.



- 5 missions and 1 title have been added for Trial Granom Nest.









1-3. Nest Ranking Added


- Nest ranking will be applied only for Trial Chiron Nest, Trial Granom Nest, Green Dragon Nest, and Forest Dragon Nest.

- Ranking will be based on the difficulty level and clear time for each map and will be calculated between 07:00AM to 09:00AM every morning.

- My Info’s My Ranking will be reflected when ranking is confirmed and personal best record will be reflected real time for difficulty level and clear time.

- Ranking of up to 1,000 players will be recorded for each map and you can use the View User menu to check the equipment used and skill information of the ranked users.

- Nest ranking record will be initialised when you change job.

















[2] Changes/Additions

2-1. Increased Labyrinth Nest EXP


■  Increased Labyrinth Nest EXP

- EXP that can be obtained for each Labyrinth level has been increased.

- The amount of EXP gained increases for higher levels.









2-2. Fission Nest Area 2



- HP and attack power have been adjusted for some monsters in Fission Nest Area 2.



 Typhoon Kim Nest 

- Gardener Garland’s tornado attack’s speed has increased.

- When Typhoon Kim collects energy within the barrier, players inside the safety zone will not receive damage.



 Professor K Nest 

- When Professor K’s laser touches you at Arch Reactor, you will be pushed back further.



 Serpentra Nest 

- Golem Lava’s defence power increases while it collects energy to release heat.

- Golem Moltan rises from the ground sooner when it appears to prepare for poison explosion.

- Golem Moltan’s defence power increases while it prepares for poison explosion.








2-3. Tasks Revamp


 Changes in Daily and Weekly Tasks 

- Some of the Daily Task missions and rewards have been changed.








2-4. Gosuk's Precious Box


Some of the items inside Gosuk’s Previous Box and their drop rates will be changed.








2-5. Improvements in Hero Exploration


- Recommended Hero image has been added so that you can check the recommended Hero in the Remote Dungeon Exploration’s task list.

- When you are selecting a Hero to send, recommended Hero will be shown at the very top.

- Now you can click anywhere inside the Hero slot instead of the checkbox when selecting a Hero to send.

- Now you can cancel a task in progress by clicking it. However, the time spent of the task and gold used will not be returned and the task will be registered in the task list again.

- Time taken to check task results after a task ends has been changed to 1 second.









2-6. Improvements in Item Crafting and Option Conversion Window


While crafting item or changing options, if there is only one result item, it will be selected automatically and this would relieve the hassle of having to select the list.

(If there are multiple result items, they will not be selected automatically.)









2-7. Event/Collection - Improvements in Event Album Window


- If there is no available minigame, [Minigame] tab in Event window (V) will be inactive.

- Irine’s picture has been added as default Artbook list in Collection window ([Home] key)’s [Event Album] tab.









2-8. Simple Notification Icon Added


- [Simple Notification] icon has been added to let you know about the usage duration and expiry of Origins, Pets, Skill Level Up Heraldry, Potential Heraldry, and Potential Talisman.

- Mouse over on the [Simple Notification] icon on the left side of the minimap to check the information.









2-9. Lancer - Knightess Classes Job Change Scroll


[Piercer], [Flurry], and [StingBreezer] can now use the Job Change Scroll to change job to [Knightess] and [Avalanche].

You can now change job to [Landgrid] too.








2-10. Improvements in Guild Member Login System Message


Previously, “Guild Member” was not shown in the system message when guild members logged in and “Guild Member” was shown when they logged out and the following changes have been made.








2-11. Changes in the Order of Entering 2nd Password


- Before : Select server > select character > enter 2nd password

- After : Select server > enter 2nd password > select character

With this change, you no longer have to re-enter your second password every time you change your character.









2-12. Server Unification Points


- Some points have been unified at the server level for the account.

- Unified points can be used by any of your characters in the server.

- Following points will be unified.



- You can check the unified points at the Point Information section at the bottom of Character Info (P)

- Unified Points can be found under the category of [Shared Server Points].

- After unification, it will be shown in red font when you have reached the maximum amount and you will not be able to gain any more points in this case.







2-13. Improvements in Battle Training Ground


• Golem will not die anymore!

• When Golem’s HP is below 1%, it will fully recover its HP.

• When Golem’s HP is below 1%, [Kill] count increases.


※ Without buffs, you can measure your true DPS.







2-14. Gear Score Sign Added


■  When you click [Inspect] on other users, you can now see the user’s Gear Score.







2-15. Lebria Store


■  Calypse Tier 1 cannot be purchased

- Calypse Tier 1 equipment in Lebria Store’s Equipment tab can no longer be bought.








2-16. Others


◆ Maximum registered and owned gold has been increased
- Maximum amount of gold you can store in your inventory, storage, mail, and Trading House has been changed to 99,999,999 Gold 99 Silver 99 Copper.


◆ When you enter [Storm of Time and Space] in a party, “quit party” message used to be shown and this issue has been fixed.


◆ When matching search window for entering [Storm of Time and Space] was closed or deactivated, mouse cursor used to become activated and this issue has been fixed and the cursor is now inactive.


◆ Changes in attack power buff limit

- For attack power buff that is stacked in all dungeons and 4-player Nests except 8-player Nests, current attack power buff limit is 200% but it has been changed to 1100%.

◆ Knightess voice added

- Voices have been added for Knightess, Avalanche, and Randgrid.


■ Equipment Collection

- Goddess Gear has been added to the Equipment Collection


■ Calypse Equipment

-Calypse’s Origin that appeared when Calypse Tier 2 +20 Equipment was disassembled will no longer be dropped. (Changed to Lebrium)


◆ Changes in the location for getting White Flower Seed

- White Flower Seed is no longer dropped in Fission Nest - Labyrinth. Instead, it will be dropped in [Hirendel’s Barrier] located in Merca’s Port.


◆ Items added for Special Server Storage usage

- You can now store Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman (5.1%~5.5%) in Special Server Storage. 

- Commission for using Special Server Storage is one Special Storage Tickets for each Talisman. 


■ Improvements in Crafting

- In crafting window, gold will also be checked before informing you whether crafting can be done.

- Default number of crafted items will be set as the maximum number of items that can be crafted.


■ Restrictions in creating chat rooms

- Changes have been made so that chat rooms can only be created in towns. (chat rooms cannot be created in dungeons and Nests)


■ Blessing Points benefits for Master removed for Master-Apprentice System

- Blessing Points were not used up to 5 times when Master and Apprentice entered dungeons together but this benefit has been removed.














[3] Balance


3-1. January Skill Balancing Changes PVE









3-2. January Skill Balancing Changes PVP







3-3. Additional Skill Balancing Changes PVE







3-4. Additional Skill Balancing Changes PVP

















[4] Event


4-1. Board Game Battle Season 4


 Event Period 

8 January 2019 (after maintenance) ~ 12 February 2019 09:00AM (before maintenance)




- [Roulette Tickets] and [Board Game Coins] used in the previous season can be used again in Season 4.

- Board game rewards have changed. You can see more details on the rewards at [See Rewards].

- You can get [Roulette Tickets] from Level 95 dungeons, Fission Maze (middle reward), Green Dragon Nest (Time Attack), Hero's Battlefield (Normal/Hardcore), Circus Maximus (Daily Quest), and Daily Tasks (Storm of Time and Space).




- You can use [Board Game Coins] earned as a reward from the event at [Storyteller Kathy]’s [Event Store] to purchase various items.


※ Currently, the Magic Conversion Key x3 Item is missing at the [Event Store]. 

The Magic Conversion Key x3 item will be put in the [Event Store] on 15th January Scheduled Maintenance




> Moon Rabbit Ring/Necklace/Earrings 
















[5] Cash Shop


5-1. January Costume: Scout Costume










5-2. January Altea's Gacha Box

Atlea's Gacha Box has been updated with the following January items: 


 Gold Signus Wings/Decal/Tail 










 Pegasus Warhorse Mount 







 Bubblebath Kitten Terry Spirit 









5-3. New Hairstyles and Hair Dye added


New Hairstyles and Hair Dyes have been added to the Cash Shop.



 New Hair Dyes 


Hair Dye: Royal Red
Hair Dye: Violet
Hair Dye: Violet Pink
Hair Dye: Black
Hair Dye: Bisque
Hair Dye: Sand Pink
Hair Dye: Steel Blue
Hair Dye: Slate Blue
Hair Dye: Aqua
Hair Dye: Aqua Green
Hair Dye: Olive Green
Hair Dye: Indigo
Hair Dye: Indigo Red
Hair Dye: Indigo Pink
Hair Dye: Cadet Blue
Hair Dye: Cadet Red
Hair Dye: Hair Coral Pink
Hair Dye: Turquiose
Hair Dye: Flower Pink
Hair Dye: Pistachio
Hair Dye: Peach Puff
Hair Dye: White
Hair Dye: Ghost White
Hair Dye: Lemon Glow
Hair Dye: Black (2)
Hair Dye: Real Red
Hair Dye: Skyblue
Hair Dye: Orange
Hair Dye: Cobalt Violet
Hair Dye: Real Blue
Hair Dye: Light Emerald





 New Hair Styles 


[Double Tone Hair] Cute Tail (Rabbit)
[Double Tone Hair] Cute Tail (Kitty)
[Double Tone Hair] Cute Tail (Snow Tiger)
[Two-Tone Hair] Cute Twin-Tail Hair (Rabbit)
[Two-Tone Hair] Cute Twin-Tail Hair (Cat)
[Two-Tone Hair] Cute Twin-Tail Hair (Snow Leopard)


[Two-Tone Hair] Cute Twin-Tail Perm Hair
[Double Tone Hair] Short Bang Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Soft Dandy Perm Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Young Prince Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Basic Short Shell Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Lovely Princess Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Tomboy Short Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Neat Wave Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Soft Short Perm Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Graceful Goddess Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Neat Short Perm Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Sharp Down-Perm Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Neat Shadow Perm Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Block Dandy Cut Hair


[Double Tone Hair] Cute Native American Hair
[Two-Tone Hair] Calm Twin-Tail Hair












[6] Web Shop


6-1. Atonement Darkness Weapon 



We are sorry for the confusion.

Unlike previously posted here, the Atonement Darkness Weapon will visit our Adventurers at another time.