UPDATE | [Patchnote] July Patchnote - 4 | 05. Jul. 2019 | Views 51656 |
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[Patchnote] July Patchnote - 1
[Patchnote] July Patchnote - 2
[Patchnote] July Patchnote - 3
20. Hero Title Pop-up Window Added
21. Community Point Acquisition Rate Modifications
2. Red Lotus Palace Stage Improvements
3. Enhanced Hero Title Effects
6. World Daily, Weekly Task Changes
7. Ancient Armour Basic Stat Increases
10. Additional Screen Settings [Full Screen Windowed Mode]
11. Designated-owner Item Drop Chat Message Added
12. Modifications to Retain All Crosshairs After Entering Nests
13. Trial Nest Entry Enabled Title Display Added
14. Changes to Skills Activating Skill Effects
15. Item Stats Display Changes
[3] Balance
[4] Event
1. Commemorative Red Lotus Palace update box provided
3. Gift box event items changed
[5] Cash Shop
1. July Costume : Oriental Vampire Costume
2. July Red Lotus Palace Gacha-Box Update
- Lucky Dragon Kite Wings/Tail/Decal
- Holy Blue Unicorn Mount 3.0 UPDATED
3. [Pet] Curious Conan 3.0 + Accessories
2-20. Hero Title Pop-up Window Added
A pop up window appears for reconfirming whether a certain character should receive a Hero Title Collection reward
to prevent unwanted characters from immediately getting the reward.
2-21. Community Point Acquisition Rate Modifications
2(2)-1. Growth Guide Improvements
※ Developer's Comment
There were still many incomplete aspects of the Growth Guide used for helping new players adapt to the game.
In order to provide a perfect guide, we undertook measures to improve it
instead of putting them off for a later date with the hopes they provide at least some degree of help to new users.
We hope to distribute the second edition of the Growth Guide as soon as possible to make the Dragon Nest experience more user friendly.
[Details of Growth Guide Improvements]
※ We hope players who have already reached LV 95 will understand that they cannot complete some missions in the Growth Guide.
[Loser's exile place]
[Great Arena]
[Red Lotus Palace Garden]
※ Some changes were also applied to [Catastrophe] Red Lotus Palace.
2(2)-3. Enhanced Hero Title Effects
Black Dragon Nest Time Attack-related missions added are as follows:
Four (4) new types of Title collections added.
Your Title collection can be viewed in [Character (P) – Title – Title Collection].
Info on added Title collections appears below.
All rewarded titles are Hero Titles. Titles that need to be acquired for a collection also have Hero Title benefits.
Eleven (11) new achievements related to Red Lotus Palace Quests, the Dragon Nest, and the Mission Board.
Please refer to below for more detailed info on achievements.
2(2)-6. World Daily, Weekly Task Changes
One (1) type of World Daily Task was added, along with Weekly Task and reward additions.
2(2)-7. Ancient Armour Basic Stat Increases
2. Enhance Stats
- When Goddess Equipment reaches +12 it gets an additional Final damage attribute (192 per body part).
1. Social Points
Social Points were removed. Social Points in possession were changed/amalgamated into Community Points.
Social Points for social relationships were replaced with the same amount of Community Points.
(You cannot use the Social Point Shop accessed through Heraldry Scholars any longer.)
2. Wonderful Points
- Wonderful Points were removed. Wonderful Points in possession were changed/amalgamated into Nightmare Points.
(You cannot use the Wonderful Point Shop accessed through Magicians any longer.)
2(2)-10. Additional Screen Settings [Full Screen Windowed Mode]
Full Screen Windowed Mode Added
- We have added [Full Screen Windowed Mode] for convenient conversion between screens so that other window functions can be used during game play.
- [Full Screen Windowed Mode] can be selected in 'System Options > Graphic Options.'
- You can select which monitor will display when [Full Screen Windowed Mode] is selected and more than one (1) monitor is being used. (The leftmost monitor is read as monitor 1.)
[System Option Window]
2(2)-11. Designated-owner Item Drop Chat Message Added
A notification message will appear in the chat window upon acquiring an item designated for a specific owner.
- When clearing a stage or Nest as a party, there are instances where you will get an item designated for a specific owner.
- A notification message has been added to record that the item has been acquired.
2(2)-12. Modifications to Retain All Crosshairs After Entering Nests
- After logging into the game and entering the first Nest, you can adjust your point of view with the mouse cursor while you are using the system window or features such as chatting.
- Because combat must take place within the Nests, game updated so that the mouse will be in crosshair mode after each function has been closed.
2(2)-13. Trial Nest Entry Enabled Title Display Added
Added an icon in the upper right-hand window notifying that the Trial Nest can now be entered.
- Tuesday, Saturday: [Trial] Granom Nest can be challenged (Tuesday, Saturday - 24 hours starting at 9 AM)
- Wednesday, Sunday: [Trial] Chiron Nest can be challenged (Wednesday, Sunday - 24 hours starting at 9 AM)
- Friday: [Trial] Chiron/[Trial] Granom Nest can be challenged (Friday - open 24 hours started at 9 AM)
2(2)-14. Changes to Skills Activating Skill Effects
■ Changes made to the skill effect activation skill by the Ancient Weapon [Flame Zombie Dragon Blaster].
- Pivot Gun Shot -> Mirage
※ With the last patch, control of Luminous points became very important for Luster attack and supporting moves, and, because [Pivot Gun Shot] was the central skill for the provision of Luminous Points, Ancient Weapon skill effect activation skills were changed to make game play more fluid.
2(2)-15. Item Stats Display Changes
Original Display Method
▶ Dragon Nest items with 0 enhance points featured a [Basic Stats] display, while enhanced items featured an [Enhanced Stats] display.
▶ In addition, it was hard to compare items at a glance because the basic stats of both items were displayed together for comparison, while the enhanced stats were also displayed together in the same fashion.
Changed Display Method
▶ We therefore combined the [Basic Stats] and [Enhanced Stats] info into a display of an item's combined stats (basic + post-enhancement stats) to allow players to quickly see the overall stats of an item.
▶ We also included info in the [Enhance Ability] tooltip indicating whether a specific item can be enhanced or not.
◆ Improvements for convenient use of Mysterious Boxes
- Now when a Mysterious Box (Dragon Jade, Crest, Talisman) is used, the lowest grade will be sent to your pouch. (Only takes one space in the inventory!)
◆ Changes to sale price of Mysterious Dragon Jade, Crests, and Talismans
◆ Side Quest reward improvements
- The Jelly amount received as a reward for some Side Quests was increased from 20 to 100.
◆ Trainer’s Dragon Jade improvements
- Unique grade Trainer’s Dragon Jade % stats increased.
- After purchasing a [Mysterious Enhanced Crest Box], [Mysterious Enhanced Jade Box], [Mysterious Enhanced Talisman Box], the boxes will be opened sent to the inventory as items. However, when purchasing two (2) or more at a time, only one (1) is opened and the rest will be placed in the inventory in box form. When players want to purchase several in opened form they can press shift + mouse right-click as many times as the number they want to purchase.
- The same fine is imposed regardless of stage for Black Dragon Nest Time Attack accessories.
- The same stats have been applied to the new Black Dragon mount [Proud Black Dragon].
▶ You can now leave the Nest after receiving the reward from <Hound Pri> upon clearing a [co-op/alliance job].
▶ Upon clearing [Fragmented Labyrinth], a <Labyrinth Conquest> weekly reward-related guide message will appear.
■ Highlandell Barrier Stage Improvements
■ Changes to Purchasing Method for Mysterious Enhanced, Dragon Jade, and Talisman Boxes
- After purchasing a [Mysterious Enhanced Crest Box], [Mysterious Enhanced Jade Box], [Mysterious Enhanced Talisman Box], the boxes will be opened sent to the inventory as items. However, when purchasing two (2) or more at a time, only one (1) is opened and the rest will be placed in the inventory in box form. When players want to purchase several in opened form they can press shift + mouse right-click as many times as the number they want to purchase.
◆ Goddess Equipment-related changes
- Completely deleted the Lebrium points required for purchasing body part-specific boxes (all body part-specific boxes) in the Sunset Shop.
- Goddess Equipment + Goddess Accessory disassembly cost modified. (Former: 1000 Gold, Revised: 19 Gold)
◆ Equipment Atlas
- New Heroic Talismans, Crests added.
- Mirage Dragon Jade added.
- Removed the Problem Solver equipment for which the acquisition region disappeared.
◆ Removed the display of the unnecessary Entrance Ticket in the Eroded Fortress entrance screen
- [Eroded Fortress Liberation Fragments] are not displayed as Entrance Tickets upon Eroded Fortress entry.
◆ Setting Sun Watchtower content moved
- The Setting Sun Watchtower was moved to the [Streets of Red Lotus Palace].
- The Help info related to the Setting Sun Watchtower content has changed to reflect the tower's relocation.
◆ Removed the Dimension Rabbit appearing in stages
- The Dimension Rabbit no longer appears in the [Chiron Beach Stage] or the [Highlandell Barrier Stage].
◆ Invader appearance in stages
◆ Revisions to Extended Guild Mission explanations
◆ Equipment Converter – Legendary crafting price modifications
- The price for using the [Equipment Converter – Legendary] crafting function through the blacksmith was reduced from 2500 to 500.
◆ Saint Haven BGM changed
◆ UI sound partially changed
[3] Balance
<Heretic, Arc Heretic>
Skills changes as follows:
<Petrona, Ruina>
Skills were changed as shown below. Skill damage has been increased across the board.
[4] Event
4-1. Commemorative Red Lotus Palace update box provided
[Brown Book Club Package (Rare)]
[Master H/W/T from Antique Store]
[Antique Granite Accessories]
[Furry Casper]
[Fluffy Pink Cloud]
4-3. Gift box event items changed
Training Mission Box
- For players who have completed mission box missions that give Trainer’s Mission Boxes up to [stage 10], Trainer’s Mission Boxes [stage 11] have been changed to Red Lotus Palace Trainer’s Boxes.
- You can acquire a Trainer’s Mission Box stage 11 upon use of a Red Lotus Palace Trainer’s Box.
- When carrying out Trainer’s Mission Box missions along with Main Quests you can complete missions more efficiently.
■ Willpower Fragment items changed.
- Willpower Fragment item (Phys/Magic ATK 1000, ATK/Move SPD up 15%) sale ended.
- New Willpower Fragment Phys/Magic ATK up 1000, attribute ATK up 10% items are being sold.
※ Current Willpower Fragment and new Willpower Fragment stats have been duplicated.
[5] Cash Shop
5-1. July Costume : Oriental Vampire Costume
5-2. July Red Lotus Palace Gacha-Box Update
▶ Lucky Dragon Kite Wings/Tail/Decal
▶ Holy Blue Unicorn Mount 3.0 UPDATED
- You can use mounts that you have as circulation material.
- Each mount has each gauge value.
- When you reach full gauge value and press the [OK] button, you can receive 'Lindsay Token' 30Qty.
- You can accumulate excess gauge value, and it will not be initialize.
- With Linsay Token 300 Qty, you can purchase Blue Unicorn [Unicorn Step 1] which is needed to get Holy Blue Unicorn.
- You can acquire Blue Unicorn [Unicorn Step 1] from Red Lotus Gacha-Box with low rate.
- If you want to acquire next step Unicorns, you need Unicorns with current step.
- For example,
Blue Unicorn [+ Blue Unicorn = Blessed Blue Unicorn [Unicorn Step 2]
Blessed Blue Unicorn + Blessed Blue Unicorn =Holy Blue Unicorn [Unicorn Step 3]
- There is certain success rate at each steps, if your synthesize is failed, only one mount that you tried is left.
5-3. [Pet] Curious Conan 3.0 + Accessories