UPDATE | [Patchnote] March Patchnote | 13. Mar. 2020 | Views 84007 |
[1] Update
- Push! Crystal Statue Introduction
- Push! Crystal Statue Features
- Push! Crystal Statue Rewards
[2] Changes/Additions
3. Remove Unusable Item Acquisition
4. Change Gosuk’s Precious Box Component Rate
5. World Mission Change and Removal
6. Party Reward Basic Condition Added
7. Change Beginner’s Guide TIP
8. Crystal Point Shop Costume Update ★
[3] Balance
- Character Balance Changes_PVP
- Character Balance Changes_PVE
- Character Balance Changes_Others
2. Improved Aurora Dragon Jade Fire Bird
[4] Event
1. Lagendia Continent Exploration : Season 14
[5] Cash Shop
1. March Costume: Karahan Costume
2. Lunaria Treasure Box Update
- Lunaria's Shiny Fragment W/T/D
- Lunaria's Shiny Fragment Necklace
- Weapon Exchange Coupon of Lunaria
[1] Update
Push! Crystal Statue - Introduction
◆ Guild Contents Update
Push! Crystal Statue - Features
◆ [Work with fellow guild members!]
◆ [Increasingly frightening patterns are activated with each phase!]
◆ [Now Is the Time event phase]
◆ [Urgent Missions]
Push! Crystal Statue - Rewards
[2] Changes/Additions
2-1. Shop Contents Improvements
Stage Point Store
We revised the shop so that only Heroic Heraldry Fragments are required for purchasing Heroic Expedition Plates.
We also moved Lethargy Potions and Disarmament Potions to the General Stock Shop for purchase.
Nest Point Store
Purchase of Mid Grade Dragon Jade Removers and High Grade Dragon Jade Removers now require only Fragments or Hearts.
General Stock Shop
We also added Auto-Open Box, Lethargy Potions and Disarmament Potions to the General Stock Shop. They can be purchased for 20 silver.
2-2. Ladder Reward Restructure
- Items have been added to the General Stock of the Ladder Store to help heroes grow.
■ [Remove Co-op Token Key Acquisition Place]
▶ [Sunset Cloister]
▶ [Red Lotus Daily Quest
■ [Remove Stage & Nest Point Acquisition Place]
▶ [Main Quest]
▶ [Mission]
▶[Level Up Box]
2-5. World Mission Change and Removal
■ Some World Mission tasks has changed and deleted.
※ After the March update, you will be able to play on improved Daily Mission for a month.
■ Removed the following Weekly World Mission Task.
2-6. Party Reward Basic Condition Added
Community (O) –Party Reward condition added.
2-7. Change Beginner’s Guide TIP
Revised [Use a Seal Stamp] Guide tip.
2-8. Crystal Point Shop Costume Update
A new addition has been made at the Crystal Point Shop this March : Rare Costume Set!
Wedding Costume (Rare)
* All classes except Machina
* Machina Only
[3] Balance
3-1. Character Balance Changes
Character Balance Changes_Others
■ Saint and Physician's Heal skills now apply at the same level as Light fury's [Chakra Miracle]. (PVE / PVP common)
-Target Skills: Heal, Great Heal, [Awakening] Heal, [Awakening] Great Heal, Heal Shower, Heal Shower EX, [Awakening] Sacrifice.
3-2. Improved Aurora Dragon Jade Fire Bird
[4] Event
4-1. Lagendia Continent Exploration : Season 14
Lagendia Continent Exploration: Season 14
A super quick crash course on Lagendia for newcomer heroes!
Lagendia Continent Exploration?
[How to Play]
1. Enter once per day by clicking on the dice icon.
2. Enter Lagendia Continent Exploration, roll the dice, and access a wide variety of stages.
3. Carry out missions unique to each stage and collect Gold Keys.
4. After reaching the final treasure island you can open treasure boxes with your Gold Keys and get a bounty of rewards!
[Enter one more time!!]
Exchange to get an Entry Ticket! Get 1 Entry Ticket from another user and you can enter again.
What changes have been made for the 14th season of Lagendia Continent Exploration?
Let’s take a closer look at the 14th season!
● Season 14 time frame: from Coming Saturday after 2020 March Update week to Saturday Before 2020 April Update week
● Period of inaccessibility: Every Saturday from 07:30 to 09:30
● The weekly ranking aggregate score is calculated every Saturday at 09:00.
● Entry Level: Can be entered at Lv 95 of higher
- Lagendia Continent Exploration contains revised game content.
● Entry conditions: 1 person entry / unlimited revival
● Clear limit: Can be cleared once a day. (The entry count is shared by all your characters on the server.)
1) If you give up halfway all the Gold Keys acquired from Golden Box will disappear, but you can keep challenging again until you clear it.
2) You can clear an additional time after receiving 1 Entry Ticket from another user.
● How to get Gold Keys:
1) Golden Box appear for completing missions on each map / wooden Box appear after failing missions.
2) Golden Box contain at least 1 Gold Key and Golden Box from any area on the map indicated with a gold box icon contain double the amount of Gold Keys.
Board Information
Lagendia Continent Exploration Board map is the same as before.
- You can acquire the following items from the two types of ‘Golden Treasure Boxes’ on the Festive Treasure Warehouse island.
- You need 1 Gold Key to open the normal Golden Box and 7 Gold Keys to open the Jackpot Golden Box.
- Take the [Lagendia Coupon] obtained as an additional reward from the Festive Treasure Warehouse island to Loffy, the beggar in Saint Haven, to get a special quest.
[Lagendia Exchange Coupon]
- Gather 20 of these and take them to Loffy in the town and give them the 'Navy Pirate Hat'.
- Lagendia coupon period: From March 2020 update ~ before April 2020 Update
Store Information
Best Hero Tournament ended.
[5] Cash Shop
5-1. March Costume: Karahan Costume
* Karahan Costume is back with a free hero title!
[Package Details]
: Armour 5 Parts (Helmet, Upper Body, Under Body, Gloves, Shoes) + Hero Title
5-2. Lunaria Treasure Box Update
Lunaria Transformation Set
Once you have all of [Lunaria's Shiny Fragment Wings, Tail, Decal, Necklace and Weapon Exchange Coupon of Lunaria] items, you will be able to transform as Lunaria!
- Lunaria's Shiny Fragment W/T/D
- Lunaria's Shiny Fragment Necklace
- Weapon Exchange Coupon of Lunaria
How To Use the Exchange Coupon
① Have the Exchange Coupon from Lunaria Treasure Box with the Character you wish to equip.
② Go to NPC Pania's [Special Store] at Saint Haven. The Hero Weapon tab is on the fifth tab.
The Weapon Exchange Coupon of Lunaria will only be usable on the "Lunaria's Shiny Weapons" at the bottom.
③ Select the Main/Secondary Weapon and start beating monsters!
Hero Level EXP Potions (7days) / (30days) are added to Cash Shop!