NOTICE | [Artbook Snatchers Season 2] Event Winners Announcement | 17. Sep. 2020 | Views 8147 |
Photo attached! [Revised as of September 18th]
We would like to thank you for participating [Artbook Snatchers Season 2] Event.
Before we get to the main point, we would like to express my gratitude for loving Dragon Nest.
Since more users participated in the event with heart-felt messages than expected, we spent a lot of time selecting the winners. We are sorry again to delay the announcement.
Now, we would like to announce the lucky 20 winners! We are pleased to announce a very touching message for Dragon Nest and their IGN (In-Game Name). Some of the players have attached their pictures, so we also attached the pictures.
(The selfie was excluded due to personal information.)
IGN: NadyaAniv
Happy 3rd Year Anniversary DN Sea 🎊 ❤️
Being a player of this game since 32 cap wasn't easy , because I managed not to buy food during recess time so that I can play this game, I hope that this game will last longer so that the next generation can play and experience this game. More power DN Sea I'm so honored to be part of this family.
IGN: Octabina
Congratulations and Happy 3rd Anniversary Dragon Nest 💕🎉
I, a player of Dragon Nest for almost 6 years had been part of daily gameplay in which it provides cherishness and happiness despite of my sadness and problems. You provide anything I deserve to play without hassle and inspiration for my future as well as not giving up for not surrending Dragon Nest as our part of my daily routine. I hope that Dragon Nest will healthy as well as staff and developers behind the game and upgrade more as we looking for upcoming events and updates. 😊💕
Again, Happy Anniversary Dragon Nest 🎉🎉
This has been my favorite game way back in Highschool. Sad part is that I stopped playing DN in my friend's computer shop when we moved from manila to our province. I missed a lot of events and happenings. Good riddance is that when I came back to playing DN January this year 2020 when I got my laptop, it gave me more excitement in learning the mechanics of the game and I enjoyed it way more than how I enjoyed playing it before way back level 24 cap. Gained a lot of solid friends and was inspired to pursue live streaming and sharing the game to people. Happy 3rd Annivery Dragon Nest SEA / EYEDENTITY. You guys are doing a good job. Keep it up! Hoping for more years of improvement and success! Cheers!
IGN: JuIexa
Happy 3rd Anniversary Dragon Nest SEA!!
This game was one of my childhood MMORPG back when it was beta test (when I was in gradeschool & I just play in computer shops before). This game taught me how to be socialize & communicate with different people we meet in game and this is already part of my life cause this is where I found my family, friends who became my LDR friends through ups and downs & those people who I treasure most whom I know who already passed away 😢 but I still remember each memories that we had in Lagendia.
This game is already part of my life since 11-12 yrs old until now which I can also see as I grow, the game is also growing as it keeps updating & changing which I like to congratulate the Developers,Producers,Staffs and the whole Family of Eyedentity for keeping the game until now! 🎊 Keep safe always and stay healthy fellow adventurers!
IGN: Fallosus
various interesting updates and characters that can be changed according to the characteristics of the player, I hope this game doesn't close in a short time.
Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Dragon Nest SEA
IGN: Banshee08
As a returnee player who has played since closed beta testing upto open beta phase in January 2013 I am very very glad that despite the struggles back in the past the game i was once loved continued to live on. I have tried many mmo's in the past but here i am playing the same game i was playing back in college. I decided and checked the game to ease the stress on these trying times and oh boy this game still continues to amaze me. All of the contents are newbie friendly and also helpful to those whom was once fell inlove in the game but stopped playing due to various reasons. I hope the new DN Sea community and family continue to prosper. All the love and support from one of the Filipino players in the Philippines. Happy 3rd Anniversary Dragon Nest Sea! Mabuhay and Padayon! 😊
IGN: xDice02
Happy 3rd year Anniversary DN Sea 🎉❤️
I started playing this game when I was 8yrs old (50cap). The game is sooo addictive and unique❤️ Please keep up the good work to keep the game the best, Cheers! Gm and Developer peeps <3333333 Again Congrats and Thank you for doing your best for the game Everyone 😊🎉🙏🏻
Ps: Shout out to PHGuild and XxValkyriexX Guild 😭😭 Reunion please <3333333
IGN: Fautsy
Happy 3rd Anniversary Dragon Nest! 🎉
Time flies so fast and before we all knew, its already been three years! Its been a long journey for us but it still keeps getting more exciting. Not just celebrating for the 3rd year but also congratulating everyone who contribute to this great game that is currently on its 10th year overall. Dragon Nest became more than just a game. It become a part of me from meeting new friends to having fun with them. Not to mention a few people that became a huge part of my life. We grew together from nothing and gradually evolve. It doesn't end here! Wish all the best for more great updates!
IGN: Archellux
Happy 3rd Year Anniversary, Dragon Nest SEA!
This was the game that really got me into the RPG genre and till now, I haven't found one whose combat mechanics are as addictive as DN and I've found myself coming back to DN time and time again. I've spent countless hours in this game over the years since closed beta making all these fun memories with my friends. Thank you for all the wonderful experiences and for being such an amazing game!
Here's wishing you many more years to come!
IGN: StarBerryz
All hail to the Dragon Nest SEA 🤗🤗👏👏🙌🙌🎊🎊🎉🎉
Congratulations and happy 3RD YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
I am happy that this game has continued to serve players through the years.
I still remember when I started playing this game back in 2011 where the level cap was still at 40 and one of the strongest boss was Minotour.
I can definitely say that you guys who are handling the game Dragon Nest Sea are doing a very good job and I hope that it would remain that way.
This game gives us a new reality.
Once again congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!
IGN: Marmoris
Greetings of profound Congratulations to Eyedentity Games for your 3rd Year Anniversary of Dragon Nest SEA!
Dragon Nest is not just an ordinary game like others. It is a game where building a community of great and passionate players who loves the art of gaming. Indeed, Eyedentity Games made it more exciting and thrill game ever than before by constantly meet the expectation of the players. 3 years is not that long but within those years, the Dragon Nest Sea change drastically to more inclusive community under your roof.
Again, congratulations and I am looking forward for more yours to celebrate Eyedentity Games! Well done team who made Dragon Nest Sea that we love now.
Virtual hug and love to Eyedentiy Games - Dragon Nest Sea!
IGN: 3ingkam
Hi, first of all cheers to the staff of Dragon Nest Sea! Happy 3rd year anniversary!!
I started playing since 2011 and 24 cap. I easily fell inlove to this unique game and im verry happy that im playing until now. I remember when the old staff of Dragon Nest Sea came to the philippines to participate in event called Pinoy Gaming Festival(PGF). Me and my friends go there to watch the cosplayers to cosplay the characters
of Dragon Nest. I never forget the picture of me and a cute loli because it reminds me how addicted me playing dragon nest. Until now i used my time to play dragon nest sea hoping to forget that there's a people suffering from the pandemic hoping it will end soon. Congratulations again team Dragon Nest Sea for making people fell inlove to this game over and over again!
Happy 3rd year anniversary!! Godbless!!
IGN: RTzX1Zura
Happy 3rd Year Anniversary DN SEA 😘
for the EYED team you are the best. I am waiting for the next update from Dragon Nest Sea
#wish you all the best for team EYED. Thanks
IGN: StilledRed
Congratulations ED for 3yrs with Dragon Nest Sea, I remember those day you started to transfer all OG players of DN to a new server that gives more thrilling and exciting moments in Mmporg game. Thank you for taking manage well our beloved Dragon Nest Sea! more exciting moments,happenings and events to come. Happy 3rd Year Anniversary with Dragon Nest Sea ✨
""May the tree of life bless you
IGN: xinays
Who would have thought that it has been 3 long years since Eyedentity took the torch in continuing the legacy of the unwavering MMORPG game out there. For the fruitful 3 years of dedication, I wish Dragon Nest will continue to grow. Congratulations to the team who tirelessly dedicate their time to make the game even more fun and exciting to play. Cheers to more years with you guys! 🥂
IGN: MasquerXde
Congratulations and happy 3rd Anniversary, Dragon Nest Sea.
2020 is the worse yet the best year for dragon nest.
Many adventurer are resurrected from their grave during the stay at home period and is staying. The beacon of light is now once again guiding the lost adventurer to comeback home to the lagendia, the land where the hero(slave's of argenta) and the dragon are fighting side by side to protect their land from the unseen invader bot's loli in the holy grail war.
All these year's playing, i finally realise dragon nest is not just a game, it's a ""God Game Dragon Nest""(gg dn) and i can proudly say, I'm not just a gamer but a God Game Dragon Nest Gamer (gg dn gamer-2020).
From the bottom of my heart i thanks everyone at dragon nest for making this happen and lastly, i hope we will get something special like event/gift to remember the 3rd Anniversary. I hope I'm not asking too much?, full set conversion item is enough for me.(a very light joke can make someone smile)
I have to end it here as my precious 2 hour is now gone.
Sent my regards to Pm lisa.
IGN: MocchaFrap
I am thankful to be celebrating your 3rd Anniversary Dragon Nest SEA and though I am an ON - OFF player due to REAL LIFE COMMITMENT, I keep coming back because of it's AUTHENTICITY and UNIQUENESS. I have been struggling a LOT to catch up with the game however it did not matter because the game has become my REFUGE, In terms of me STRUGGLING in REAL LIFE SITUATIONS AS IT TEACHES ME TO BE PATIENT TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING IN MY LIFE. I THANK YOU for teaching me the PATIENCE in order for me to battle LIFE'S STRUGGLE because I DEFINITELY KNOW I have a REFUGE. Congratulations Dragon Nest Sea.
IGN: C0c0nat
Congratulations and Happy 3rd Anniversary, Dragon Nest! It sure has been a wild ride, but really fun! More years to come, keep up the great work! Can't wait to see and experience new contents! 💕
IGN: SakuFutaba
Happy 3rd Anniversary DN Sea! 🎉🎉🎉
I've been a player since 24 cap and I'm so happy that up until now, the game is still active and have a healthy community. It's common for old MMO games to shutdown (say Ragnarok and GrandChase for example) and fans of the game have to resort to private servers. This game was my childhood, back when I only have a bad pc this was the only game that was able to run. I'm so happy that I discovered this game when I was 8 yrs old because I made a lot of friends along the way and I had such fond memories with them when we first finish hard nest. I even attended conventions just to see the Dragon Nest booth and take pictures with the awesome cosplayers. Although I have come and left the game for about 4 times between the span of 2011-2019, I still find myself coming back because this game will forever be the greatest MMO I have ever played. The combat was ahead of its time so that may be the reason why I am eager to come back to it even after intense burnout of the game. I'm so happy that the game decided to revamp and remaster the game to have a good balance between F2P and P2W players, this just means the developers behind the game is still passionate and I hope they keep being so. Continue what you are doing devs and for sure we will have more anniversaries to come!
(Pic of me when i attended the dn booth in SMX SM Mall of Asia)
IGN: Haraschor
Congratulations and Happy 3rd Anniversary, Dragon Nest SEA!
We are actually celebrating a milestone adventure with our dearest developers. I am honored to celebrate this because I am also celebrating my upcoming birthday this 8th of September alongside with the birth of the new character, Vandar. Dragon Nest has been and always been part of my life since 40cap.
I know it's hard to control things in-game and even though you encountered some technical malfunctions, you still managed to give sufficient amount of services to strive forward and let it not affect us.
I am always supporting Dragon Nest with all my heart and hoping to continue our journey.
Your Noob Saint,
Proud representative from LaCounquistador Guild!
If you are one of the winners, please send the following information below through 1:1 inquiry within the submission period.
1) Recipient name
2) Mobile number / Contact number
3) Shipping Address (City, State/Province, Country, Zip code, Etc.)
4) Email address
5) IGN (In-Game Name)
[1:1 inquiry Submission Period]
After the winners announced on September 17th (Thu) ~ September 26th (Sat) 23:59 (GMT+8)
Most importantly, please read the [Event Note] and [Reason for Winning/Selection Cancellation] sections of the event announcement.
In addition, we have read all the comments on the post and would like to say that we were happy to be loved by so many players.
Even if you are not a winner of this event, we will return to a more interesting event, so please look forward to the future events.
If you have any inquiries regarding the event, please send us a ticket via 1:1 inquire.
Best wishes,
Eyedentity Games