UPDATE | [Patchnote] February Patchnote | 27. Jan. 2021 | Views 66138 |
[1] Update
1. Ray Mechanic Remake
- Goddess Equipment and Heraldry
- Skill Dragon Jade
- Plate
- Skill Heraldrys
[2] Balance
1. Character Balancing
2. February Skill Balancing - PvE
3. February Skill Balancing – PvP
[3] Changes/additions
1. Conversion Special Armor Cap +1 Changes ★
2. Others
[4] Event
1. Storm of Time and Space - Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch
2. February Attendance Event
[5] Cash Shop
1. February Costume: Chef 2.0 Costume (Epic Synthesis)
- Wedding 2.0 costume is removed after February update
- Nurse Epic costume is removed after February update
1-1. February Costume: Rabbit Costume (Rare)
- Christmas Costume (Rare) is removed after February update
2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update
- Golden Sleek W/T/D
3. [Minion] 4.0 Baphomet+Accessories
- Hardworking Hedgehog is removed after February update
4. Others
[1] Update
1-1. Ray Mechanic Remake
[2] Balance
2-1. Character Balancing
2-2. February Skill Balancing - PvE
[Revised as of February 1st]
2-3. February Skill Balancing – PvP
[3] Changes/additions
3-1. Conversion Special Armor Cap +1 Changes
The Conversion Special Armor (Wings, Tail, and Decal) with updated stats is back!
After the February 2nd Update Patch ~
- Changed Dimensional Crystal Fragments to a collection item.
- Revised Extracted Battle Jade Dust tooltips.
[4] Event
4-1. Storm of Time and Space - Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch
[EVENT] Storm of Time and Space has changed.
February [EVENT]- Storm of Time and Space - Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch
- Use mighty and powerful alpacas to defeat the wolf Lycanthrope!
- The wolf weakens when stunned. Attack it when it is stunned and falls down!
- The gate to the alpaca ranch only opens when both bells on each side are ringing.
- Good things happen when you stop the wind from blowing.
- Maybe a suspicious alpaca will show up...?!
- Success: Defeat the wolf within 5 min
- Failure: 5 min elapses or one person (or more) dies.
* If one of your companions is a ‘solo matchmaking hero’ you will have more luck.
4-2. February Attendance Event
[5] Cash Shop
5-1. February Costume: Waitress (Chef) 2.0 Costume (Epic Synthesis)
The method of obtaining an Epic Synthesis Costume set will be changed after February update.
To otbain the Epic-grade Synthesis 2.0 costume,
1) Purchase a Waitress Epic-grade (1.0) costume from the cash shop.
2) Obtain Chef Cube (available for one-time transaction) by opening the Special Lagendia Pandora Box item.
- Chef Cube is required for each part, such as costumes and weapons, so a total of 7 types of cubes are required.
3) Exchange the purchased Epic-grade costume for the Synthesis costume through the Chef Cube.
▶ An Epic-grade Waitress (1.0) Package Contents:
5 kinds of Armour (Helmet, Upper Body, Lower Body, Gloves, and Shoes)
- 2 kinds of Weapons (Costume Weapon, Costume Off-hand) item can be exchanged only with Synthesis Weapon Exchange Coupon for this time.
▶ Package Price: 13500 Cash
[Waitress (Chef) Costume 2.0]
5-1 (2). February Costume: Fashionista Rabbit Costume (Rare)
Fashionista Costume (Rare) will be on sale after February update!
▶ A Package Contents:
5 kinds of Armour (Helmet, Upper Body, Lower Body, Gloves, and Shoes), 2 kinds of Weapons (Costume Weapon, Costume Off-hand)
▶ Package Price: 9900 Cash
5-2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update
- Golden Sleek W/T/D
5-3. [Minion] 4.0 Baphomet+Accessories
▶ Where to get Baphomet?
- Costume Synthesis Device is no longer on sale after Febraury Update.