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NOTICE (Updated as of 21st Feb, 2022) Known Issue Notice after the November Update Patch 09. Nov. 2021 Views 25919



Dear Adventurers,


We would like to inform you that the following issue has come to our attention:





[Issue Details]



1. Text error at the Illusion Mission Box (Lv.1) tooltip. 

-Minor description text error. There is no functional issue of clearing/opening the Mission Box.

└This issue has been fixed with the Scheduled Maintenance on 16th November 2021.









2. Confirmed Ripper Damage Issue when equipping the Verdure Jade and Mortal Blow Skill Up Heraldry (Updated as of 12th Nov.)

We are now working on the issue fix and update this notice when the resolution target date confirm.





3. Unable skill cancellation issue, [Summon Anja] of Light Fury class. (Updated as of 15th Nov.)





4. No Balkov Jade effect activation issue when equipping Variant Dragon Jade at the same time (Updated as of 22nd Nov.)




5. Dark Summoner's Awakened Passive does not reduce the cooldown of Phantom Avenger if the player moves or dashes after casting Chaos Formation. (Updated as of 25th Nov.)

└Target Resoluion Date: March Update Patch, 2022



6. Frozen Invader Season 2 description in Patchnote was incorrect: The Frozen Invader appears at the Arch Bishop Stage 3. The incorrect description in the Patchnote was edited. (Updated on 26th Nov.)



[Resolved] 7. Attempt to craft Ray Mechanic's Multiflexer Skill Heraldry through plate makes the game client crash. (Updated on 30th Nov.)



[Resolved] 8. Premium VIP Coupon achievement of Others tab in the Beginner's Guide cannot be completed with the VIP Coupon. (Updated on 1st Dec.)



[Resolved] 9. The required number of [Dragon Nest Newbie Dream Tickets] is incorrect. (Updated on 6th Dec.)

The required number of [Dragon Nest Newbie Dream Tickets] will be fixed from 13 to 14 during the December Update Patch.



10. Non-attribute attack damage application Issue for Physician Class after learning [Class Mastery 3] and using Force Out followed by. (Updated as of 8th Dec.)



We are sorry for the confusion and inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.




Best regards,