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EVENT (Updated on 24th Jan. 2022) [Event] January 2022 07. Jan. 2022 Views 57815

Events and Promotions for January



Nightmare Mission Box

Sunset Training Ground Contest Season 5 (Updated on 19th Jan. 2022)

New Year Log in (January Attendance Event)

New Year Facebook Like (Updated on 10th Jan. 2022)

The Maze Travel with GM (Updated on 24th Jan. 2022)


VIP Accessory Sale (HOT)

Fragment of Longing and Threat Package Sale

Minos and Vibrant Enhancement Package Sale (HOT) (Updated on 11th Jan. 2022)

Conversion Triple Sale

January Spending Promotion


















Nightmare Mission Box



[Event Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8)




[Event Details]


Let's defeat the nightmare through the Missions!


Mission Box Mission Reward Quantity
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.1 Clear Deep Abyss of Nightmare 2 times Oun Sweet Wine 15
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine (Untradable) 5
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.2 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.2 Clear Stages 6 times Catseye 100
Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment 200
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.3 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.3 Clear Frozen Nightmare 1 time Frozen World Chaos Entity 30
Frozen World Orb 15
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.4 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.4 Clear Nests 6 times Platinum Stone 150
Dark Crystal 400
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.5 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.5 Clear Deep Abyss of Nightmare 2 times Oun Sweet Wine 15
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine (Untradable) 5
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.6 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.6 Clear Stages 6 times Catseye 100
Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment 200
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.7 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.7 Clear Frozen Nightmare 1 time Frozen World Chaos Entity 30
Frozen World Orb 15
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.8 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.8 Clear Nests 6 times Platinum Stone 150
Dark Crystal 400
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.9 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.9 Clear Deep Abyss of Nightmare 2 times Oun Sweet Wine 15
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine (Untradable) 5
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.10 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.10 Clear Stages 6 times Catseye 100
Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment 200
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.11 1
Nightmare Mission Box Lv.11 Clear Frozen Nightmare 1 time Frozen World Chaos Entity 30
Frozen World Orb 15






- The Mission Box is only for Lv.95 characters

- The Mission Box will be sent via the Special Storage, 1 per account

- The Mission Box is bound to the character who received the Mission Boxes. Please make sure to receive the Mission Box to the character of your choice. 


- The Daily Missions, Special Missions (eg. Co-op), Stage, and Nest clear, mission achievement is counted based on the character holding the board mission.

- Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type.


Please avoid crowded towns and times when claiming the items. They may disappear abnormally. 

- Please note that the event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.


- Please note that the Customer Center will not make re-delivery for unclaimed rewards.

- Please note that the 1:1 Inquiry (herein 'Customer Center') will not help with moving/transferring the acquired items.

- In order to be properly counted by the Mission Boxes, you have to be alive when clearing the Nests.

- The Mission Boxes will be removed during the Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8).











Sunset Training Ground Contest Season 5



[Event Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January 2022 (GMT+8)




[Event Details]


Rise, Adventurers! The Sunset Training Ground Contest is imminent! 

Give all you got to achieve the honor of the Best Adventurer in the Sunset Training Ground!




Complete the Sunset Training Ground throughout the event period. 

The top 10 players of each class will receive the following rewards. 





Item Quantity
Cover Title: Ultimate 1
Sunset Energy Stone 1
[GM] Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly 30
+20 Vibrant Ultimate Attack Dragon Jade Pouch 1
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine 100





Item Quantity
Cover Title: Ultimate 1
Sunset Energy Stone 1
[GM] Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly 20
+15 Vibrant Ultimate Attack Dragon Jade Pouch 1
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine 70





Item Quantity
Cover Title: Ultimate 1
Sunset Energy Stone 1
[GM] Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly 10
+10 Vibrant Ultimate Attack Dragon Jade Pouch 1
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine 50





Item Quantity
[GM] Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly 5
+0 Vibrant Ultimate Attack Dragon Jade Pouch 1
Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine 30





> Sunset Energy Stone info.



You may disable the effect by containing the Sunset Energy Stone into the General Storage.

And the Sunset Energy Stone is indestructible.








> Title Info.


(Updated on 11th Jan. 2022)




♞Bonus 1: All accounts which have at least 1 character who cleared 15F or above will also receive the following rewards!



While the rewards in STG ranks 1st to 10th are per character basis, the below reward distribution is account basis.


※Even if there are 2 or more characters who have cleared 15th floor or higher in the same account, the rewards below will be given only once.


Item Quantity
+12 Vibrant Combat Attack Dragon Jade Pouch 1
+12 Vibrant Impenetrable Defense Dragon Jade Pouch 1
Stronghammer Dragon Jade Refiner (Event) 3
Hakyul's Enhancement Heraldry Full Bloom Stamp (Event) 3
Oun Sweet Wine 30
High Grade Unidentified Goddess Heraldry Box (Class-Specific, 86%~) 1




♟Bonus 2: Verification Video on Youtube for the 1st ~10th Rankers

※ This is not a mandatory event unless GM asks you to submit the Verification Video.


A) Record and upload your video record of completing your challenge in the Sunset Training Ground on Youtube and submit the link via a separate form later. 

B) If you didn't record your challenge video on-site, don't worry! Record your challenge video later, upload it to Youtube and submit the link. In this case, the record should be similar to your ranked record and the difference should be within 3 seconds.


The Verification Video links will be received via a separate form from 25th January 2022 (GMT+8) until 23:59 on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8).


※ Please note that GM may require specific user to submit the Verification Video for various reasons such as suspicious record is detected or a certain number of reports with decisive evidence is received.


※ If you are requested to submit the Verification Video and fail to comply with the required record, your rank will be canceled and your participation will be nullified. 



If you submit the video, and if the video's record is similar to your rank record in B) case (within 3 seconds difference), you will receive the following reward for participation and honesty. 

Please note that your character in the video has to be the same character in the Contest ranking.


Item Quantity
Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly





♟Bonus 3: Enhancement Rate Boost




[Updated as of 19th Jan. │ There will be an extra buff event coming! 30% buff will be applied on 22nd January, 00:00 ~ 23:59 (GMT+8).]




You can't accomplish your mission without proper equipment. 

From Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) until the start of Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January 2022 (GMT+8), the Enhancement Rate will be boosted by 20%!

- Dragon Jade Enhancement Rate is also included in this Boost event. (Updated on 12th Jan. 2022)










★ Sunset Training Ground rank board are scheduled to be reset during the Update Patch on 11th January (GMT+8) to conduct fair events.


- Ranking will be counted as your records archived in the log after the Sunset Training Ground Ranking Reset during the Update Patch on 11th January (Tue) ~ before Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January (Tue). 


- The ranking shown on the Sunset Training Ground ranking board will be updated at 9:00 AM and may look different from the actual list ranking of eligible rewards. In order to secure your record, we recommend you finish your challenge before 8:59 AM. 


- Non-claimed rewards are will be not reimbursed for any reason.

- All rewards cannot be traded.


- In the case of Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly (Non-tradable), please note that there may be restrictions on the use of content such as Minos production.

- Sunset Energy Stone will be removed when the next Sunset Training Ground Contest is held. 


- We would like to ask you to remain with your Contest participating character's name until all Sunset Training Ground Contest rewards are delivered in order to avoid any misdelivery or disqualification due to unavailable name while cross-checking. 



★ The Top 10 Rank rewards and the Verification Video rewards will be given on character basis, however, if you have achieved the event with multiple characters through a class change, the top reward will be awarded only once. The scheduled reward delivery date is during the Scheduled Maintenance on 15th February 2022 (GMT+8) and can be claimed within 1 week.



For example, all characters of your account are capable of receiving rewards if all the characters ranked 1st ~ 3rd on the event.

However, if you have been ranked several times through a job change,

Even if the Defensio character were at second rank, and your Impactor character did 3rd, only Defensio characters can receive rewards.

- Tickets regarding this event will be accepted until 8th February 2022 (GMT+8).

- The Verification Videos must remain available to the public until 31st March.











New Year Log in (January Attendance Event)



[Event Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8)




[Event Details]


Let's see your 2022's fortune and get some awesome items!


Log in day by day to cumulate your login rewards! 



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Fortune Cookie (1) Conversion Armor Box (2) Conversion Armor Box (2) Concentrated Darkness Crystal (200) Item Protection Magic Jelly Pouch (1,000) Fortune Cookie (1) Fortune Cookie (1)
8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
Fortune Cookie (1) Conversion Armor Box (2) Conversion Armor Box (2) Platinum Ingot (10) Item Protection Magic Jelly Pouch (1,000) Fortune Cookie (1) Fortune Cookie (1)
15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
Fortune Cookie (1) Conversion Armor Box (2) Conversion Armor Box (2) Red Jewel (10) Item Protection Magic Jelly Pouch (1,000) Conversion Armor Box (2) Fortune Cookie (1)
22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th
Fortune Cookie (1) Conversion Armor Box (2) Conversion Armor Box (2) FTG Recovery Pouch Crystal Point (10,000) Conversion Armor Box (2) Fortune Cookie (1)
Goddess Coin            





Crack open the Fortune Cookie and find your fortune for 2022 like the screenshot below!

What would be your horoscope for this year?



You will receive one of the following rewards according to the fortune. 

Please note that each Fortune Cookie will yield a reward related to its type. 



Reward Quantity
Crystal Point (2000) 1
Hero's Blood, Sweat, and Tear (2000) 1
Lebrium Point (2000) 1
Fantastic Bait 100
Crop Pouch 1
Growth Booster 5
Nostalgic Fashion Hat Box 1
Conversion Armor Box (Non-tradable) 1
Conversion Special Armor Box(Untradable) 1
Conversion Accessory Box (Non-tradable) 1
Dark Crystal 100
Red Jewel 2
Platinum Stone 10


Nostalgic Fashion Hat Box Content
Super Cool Red Crown
Super Cool Purple Crown
Black Wing Deco Glasses
Pretty Pink Rose Crown
Angel Ring for an Undead
Mother Bird of Silent Night
Ferrets love donuts
Cat on the Head Hat
Flower is growing in my hat
Cat Masquerade Mask Hat
Red Fox
Reach the Universe!
The ice cream is eaten quickly
A Necessary Mask
A Cat on a Cat on another Cat
Mackerel in my head
Ghooooost Hat








- Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type.

Please avoid crowded towns and times when claiming the items. They may disappear abnormally. 

- Please note that the event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.

- Please note that the Customer Center will not make re-delivery for unclaimed rewards.

- Please note that the 1:1 Inquiry (herein 'Customer Center') will not help with moving/transferring the acquired items.












New Year Facebook Like



[Event Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Scheduled Maintenance on 18th January 2022 (GMT+8)





[Event Details]


A new year celebration message will be posted on our Official Dragon Nest Facebook. 

Like it and share it. If 700 or more Likes are recorded, this awesome Maison Black Tiger Hat will be delivered to everyone!








- The reward will be delivered during the Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January 2022 (GMT+8). (Updated on 10th Jan. 2022)

- The reward will be sent via the Special Storage, 1 per account

- Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type.

Please avoid crowded towns and times when claiming the items. They may disappear abnormally. 

- Please note that the event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.

- Please note that the Customer Center will not make re-delivery for unclaimed rewards.

- Please note that the 1:1 Inquiry (herein 'Customer Center') will not help with moving/transferring the acquired items.












The Maze Travel with GM


[Event Period]


Random time on 14th, 19th, 24th January 2022 (GMT+8)





[Event Details]


On the event days, 1 Fissive Vortex will be delivered to everyone who logs in via Special Storage, per account, with 95 level limit. 


It's your choice to use it right away or wait until GM shows up and start a short quiz. 


The answer of the quiz is the password to the GM's party. There will be 2 parties for each day.


Solve the quiz, join the party with the Fissive Vortex and enough FTG. 


Those who successfully completed the Fission Maze with the GM will receive the following rewards during the Scheduled Maintenance on 15th February 2022 (GMT+8) and the rewards can be claimed until 23:59 22nd February 2022 (GMT+8).


Rewards Quantity
Unidentified Frozen Triangular Rune 1
Unidentified Frozen Circular Rune 1
Unidentified Frozen Rectangular Rune 1
Unidentified Frozen Trapezoid Rune 1
FTG Recovery Potion (6000) 3




[Participants List] (Updated on 24th Jan. 2022)


SEA October GM Play Event 1st Day Winner List
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.14 1 EvilOnyx Elestra
2022.01.14 1 iSuverax Gladiator
2022.01.14 1 SouLPrez Inquisitor
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.14 2 Kioraine Ray Mechanic
2022.01.14 2 Yozury Ray Mechanic
2022.01.14 2 Reksors Saint


SEA October GM Play Event 2nd Day Winner List
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.19 1 PiggySiN Raven
2022.01.19 1 Bryspen Moonlord
2022.01.19 1 Sukeakuro Saint
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.19 2 iJaKaYiYou Flurry
2022.01.19 2 EzYuu Inquisitor
2022.01.19 2 iceMeer Gladiator


SEA October GM Play Event 3rd Day Winner List
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.24 1 iiKazeHime Sniper
2022.01.24 1 xAvaLynn Avalanche
2022.01.24 1 Ivellung Duelist
Date Round IGN Class
2022.01.24 2 NotCelXZ Barbarian
2022.01.24 2 TKForce Gladiator
2022.01.24 2 ittomaru Duelist











- In order to provide a fair chance to everyone, the party may and will be disbanded if they clear a Mission Maze or leave the party for any reason. The party may wait for a few minutes if a member of the party is disconnected.

- The rewards will be sent via Special Storage and can be claimed only by the character of level 95.


- A disconnected character who did not participate until the completion of the Maze is NOT eligible for the rewards. If GM is disconnected, all party members will be considered as successfully completed participants and will receive the rewards. 

- Your account will be counted for the event. You can try to join the party with several characters, but you will be counted only once and only one set of rewards will be sent


- Please be polite. We want to maintain love and peace and order. Use of excessive insult or violent words may involve the Terms of Use and Policies. 

- Your character must have enough FTG to enter the Fission Maze. 


- GM will only answer questions related to this event. Any inquiry other than this event will not be acknowledged. GM may cancel the event if the questions heavily interrupt the event. 

- Any situation not mentioned will be decided by the GM on site.











VIP Accessory Sale (HOT)



[Sale Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January 2022 (GMT+8)




[Event Details]


Happy Return! VIP Accessory Package Box will be available at the Cash Shop during the sale period.

Opening a VIP Accessory Box will fill a certain portion of the Coupon Gauge and yield one of the following items:




Component Quantity Icon
Special Enhancement Gift Box 1
Precious Enhancement Gift Box 1
Commonplace Enhancement Gift Box 1
Lagendia Torch (Non-tradable) 50
12000 Gold Pouch 1
Leberium Point (40,000) 1
VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon (100%) 1













Once the Coupon Guage is full, you will receive a VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon, which can be used to exchange one of Argenta/Geraint Accessories or Hammers from VIP Helper Veep in Saint Haven.















- Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.

-Tickets regarding this sale will be accepted until 25th January 2021 (GMT+8).











Fragment of Longing and Threat Package Sale



[Sale Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8)




[Sale Details]


3 new packages will be introduced for limited time offer to help your play. 


Package name Price Contents Quantity
Fragment of Longing Package 13,900 Dark Crystal 1000
Platinum Stone 200
Fragment of Longing 80



Package name Price Contents Quantity
Threat Variation Package 12,700 Dark Crystal 1000
Threat Variation Dragon Jade
Conversion Cube



Package name Price Contents Quantity
Protection Variation package 12,700 Dark Crystal 1000
Protection Variation Dragon Jade
Conversion Cube









- These packages can be bought without count limit. However, they can only be bought with EYET.

- Any mistaken or accidental purchases by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details can be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed correctly.

- Please note that the promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.











Minos and Vibrant Enhancement Package Sale (HOT)



[Sale Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8)




[Sale Details]


Minos Enhancement Package and Vibrant Enhancement Package will be available in the Cash Shop during the event period!


And don't forget the 1-time per account purchase opportunity for each package just for 1,900 price!


Package Contains Quantity
Minos Enhancement Package Platinum Stone 60
Minos Lebrium 10
Flames of Minos 20
Dreamy Item Protection Magic Jelly 2000

(Contains and Quantity Updated on 11th Jan. 2022)


Package contains Quantity
Vibrant Enhancement Package Platinum Stone 120
Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment 50
Lagendia Torch 20
Lapis 40
Gold Lotus Crown 40
Red Dragonsoul Powder 1
Blue Dragonsoul Powder 1
Oun Sweet Wine (Non-tradable) 1

(Contains and Quantity Updated on 11th Jan. 2022)





- Any mistaken or accidental purchases by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details can be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed correctly.

- Please note that the promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.











Conversion Armor / Special Armor / Accessory Sale



[Sale Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of 

Scheduled Maintenance on 25th January 2022 (GMT+8)




[Sale Details]


Conversion Armor, Special Armor, and Accessory Boxes will be available in the Cash Shop during the event time!


Conversion Box Price
Conversion Armor 990
Conversion Armor x10 9,000
Conversion Special Armor 990
Conversion Special Armor x10 9,000
Conversion Accessory 990
Conversion Accessory x10 9,000






- Any mistaken or accidental purchases by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details can be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed correctly.

- Please note that the promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.











January Spending Promotion



[Promotion Period]


After the completion of Update Patch on 11th January 2022 (GMT+8) ~ Before the start of Update Patch on 8th February 2022 (GMT+8)




[Promotion Details]


Spend as much EYET as you want and grab the rewards!


Condition Reward Quantity
Spend 50,000 or above Love of Friend Pouch 1
FTG Recovery Potion 6,000 2
Spend 120,000 or above Shiny White Feather Pouch 1
Geraint Heraldry - Healing Barrier 1
Spend 200,000 or above Brilliant Destruction Protection Magic Jelly (Tradable) 1
Barnac Heraldry - Breaking Point 1
Spend 300,000 or above +15 Vibrant Ultimate Attack Dragon Jade Pouch (Non-tradable) 1






- The rewards will be delivered via Special Storage on an account basis.

- The rewards will be delivered during the Scheduled Maintenance on 15th February 2022 (GMT+8) and can be received within 7 days of delivery start.

- Please avoid crowded towns and times when claiming the items. They may disappear abnormally. 


- Any mistaken or accidental purchases by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details can be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed correctly.

- Please note that the promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.


- The rewards are cumulative. If you spend 140,000, you will receive both 50,000 and 120,000 condition rewards.