LIMIT | Ban Record of April 25th, 2022 (GMT+8) | 26. Apr. 2022 | Views 3700 |
Dear Adventurers,
We would like to announce that the following 193 characters and their accounts have been banned permanently on April 25th, 2022 (GMT+8) under the Policy DN-CHT 04. You may find the details of the policy in the following LINK.
We will do our best to keep a fair and pleasant playing environment for the Dragon Nest.
Good Nesting and have a nice day.
List of Ban
Please note that only the first 3 letters of the characters are displayed for privacy.
pAh******* |
gFf**** |
cAn******* |
iBj***** |
mEk***** |
iUj****** |
sIg******* |
tIk******* |
mJl****** |
uWj******* |
kNs****** |
xKd***** |
cRj**** |
fJy****** |
hYg**** |
sZy**** |
lIf*** |
oBl**** |
bEn***** |
nSa**** |
sUb****** |
qUw****** |
uVc******* |
pTq*** |
bZj**** |
rHx**** |
gPh**** |
vJg****** |
kHt**** |
sHw******* |
tYf****** |
gOy******* |
rMd***** |
wKj**** |
tZd***** |
aLj******* |
wWj*** |
eRz****** |
bQb******* |
rYn***** |
uZt****** |
bVj* |
kOs**** |
uIz*** |
gXj****** |
cEd****** |
zYz***** |
xBh***** |
xXq**** |
gPg******* |
jVy******* |
qKd****** |
nBb****** |
fOg******* |
sIb***** |
sMd**** |
gKh**** |
xOh*** |
aUg******* |
xXl***** |
xBs***** |
vWd*** |
hGw***** |
pTs******* |
yYd*** |
sUz***** |
Lpa******* |
kHh****** |
rYx****** |
bMs****** |
eKt***** |
fFj****** |
zYf****** |
kNt*** |
fBm**** |
dNy***** |
xOc***** |
yKh***** |
bQl***** |
mSw******* |
lBy***** |
zCj**** |
kHs** |
yNz***** |
iZn****** |
gCt******* |
rUj****** |
nJl***** |
cMy***** |
iGg******* |
wWg******* |
gTf**** |
gPd***** |
dEs**** |
bRd**** |
gSd***** |
sZy****** |
qYx***** |
mSh***** |
iMs******* |
hCt****** |
zYy***** |
rLs****** |
cMs**** |
hPf**** |
vGy****** |
iCt******* |
hPq**** |
oTj***** |
aUr**** |
eFm******* |
rHw****** |
vJl***** |
rDs**** |
jQx*** |
cMj***** |
uIy****** |
zCt****** |
kNs******* |
uFs***** |
kRg***** |
rYc******* |
eBj*** |
dAy**** |
tZs***** |
bMh***** |
aPf**** |
hRk*** |
tRf***** |
jMb**** |
iQz****** |
eOs***** |
oTh***** |
bDx**** |
sIh**** |
iJb**** |
vNs**** |
pGw****** |
zPb****** |
Fji******* |
oXx***** |
wOm**** |
pXf***** |
eRj***** |
zCj***** |
vJn****** |
fBp****** |
sUj****** |
qLf******* |
uJh***** |
bWn**** |
qGz****** |
uMb***** |
tVl****** |
eAm****** |
jTx**** |
tVl**** |
nFd***** |
pTp**** |
zYq**** |
tRz***** |
cZd**** |
qTm**** |
rLt*** |
xSb**** |
xGy**** |
tIs***** |
cDz***** |
kJd***** |
eNb**** |
uEs****** |
pGz***** |
xOz**** |
sMj***** |
uRs****** |
zYn****** |
lIt******* |
oHl*** |
hCd***** |
tZt******* |
kUs***** |
tVc***** |
cEp*** |
kQr***** |
lEf***** |
tZj****** |
wOd****** |
uEy**** |
cMj****** |
qHz****** |
xPj**** |
nFs****** |
aPw****** |