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NOTICE (Updated as of 5th Dec.) Known Issue Notice after the November 2022 Update Patch 10. Nov. 2022 Views 8406



Dear Adventurers,


We would like to inform you that the following issue has come to our attention:



1. Confirmed the unexploded Ball of Gravity issue after learning [Awakening Passive] in Majesty class. 

└Fix target: December, 2022 Update Patch


2. Ruina's instant skill  [Wild Rish] where does not consume steam and makes sit spammable. (Not spending bubble) (11th Nov. 2022)

└Fix target: December, 2022 Update Patch



3. Description omission issue for Black Mara class : [Void Assult] - [Smoke Storm].  (22nd Nov. 2022)

└Fix target: TBD



4. Confirmed skill Issue for Black Mara, is able to cast [Void Assult] after [Smoke Storm] with the right-arrow key.  (22nd Nov. 2022)

└Fix target: TBD



5. Confirmed issue that Mercenary - [Barnac]'s Active skill also applied to the target monster.

└Fix target: TBD