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UPDATE [Patchnote] June Patchnote 29. May. 2020 Views 77505

[1] Update

1. [Battlefield] Fierce Battle

- Basic Info
- Point Acquisition

- [Battlefield] Fierce Battle – Reward and Shop

- Fierce Battle - Mission/Achievements/Tasks

2. [Battlefield] Fierce Battle – Black Fortress Guide

- Monster Info


[2] Changes/Additions

1. Rune Dragon Nest Closed

2. Slayer Mode Contents Closed

3. Others


[3] Balance

1. June Skill Balancing

2. Skill Balancing - PvP


[4] Event

1. EVENT - Sea Fishing

2. Hands-on with Dragon Nest!

3. June Attendance Event


[5] Cash Shop

1. May Costume: Samurai (Japanese) Costume (Epic)

- Aircrew Costume (Rare) Costume remains for June
2. Red Lotus Palace Gacha-Box Update
 - Raspberry Lace Trimming W/T/D

3. [Minion] Snow Leopard 4.0 - Legend





[1] Update

    1-1. [Battlefield] Fierce Battle


A fierce battle requiring various strategies


Attain victory in this one-of-a-kind team vs team combat!




Fierce Battle is a hybrid battle combining PvP + PvE game elements.

A total of twelve heroes will be assigned to either the blue team or the red team (six heroes per team), and will be able to score points by defeating monsters or heroes of the opposing team on the battlefield.

Victory goes to the team that reaches 30000 points first within the time limit.




◆ Basic Info




◆ Battle Matching Entry Info

1. Input the [Insert] key or click the  icon to activate the matching screen.

2. Click the [Battlefield] tab.

3. Click the [Request Matching] button at the bottom to proceed with matchmaking.





- Elapsed time is displayed during the matchmaking process and players automatically enter the battlefield when this process is complete.
- You can cancel matchmaking using the [Cancel Matching] button while matchmaking is in progress.




- Matchmaking is also possible for parties of two heroes or less (only party leaders can register a matchmaking request).
- A maximum of four characters with the same primary class can participate in matchmaking together (each team will be assigned a maximum of two characters with the same primary class).
- Battlefield entry times vary by day.


- A world message will inform you ten minutes before the battlefield entry time.




◆ Fierce Battle Victory Conditions


- Victory goes to the team that is fastest to the target score of 30000 points by killing or repelling monsters or opposing team heroes.
- If time runs out and neither team gets 30000 points, the team with the most points wins.
- If time runs out and each team has the same points, it will be a draw.
- Regardless of the time limit and the amount of points you have, if your opponent gives up, your team wins.




◆ Point Acquisition


- Points can be obtained by killing monsters or opposing team members on the battlefield.


- The points earned will be added to the overall team score immediately.






- Points gained by individuals can be found in the Live Status window (input the PvP Combat Info Interface key).




- An icon based on the amount of points you have will be displayed above your character's head.
- The location of the hero with the most points per team will be displayed on the opponent's mini-map (at the bottom of the screen).




◆ Surrender

- You can register to surrender 5 minutes after the start of the game.

- After entering the ESC key, press the Surrender button in the displayed System Menu to cast your vote.

- If more than 70% of a team's members agree, the team will surrender.






◆ Withdrawal and Reentry

- In the event a hero withdraws from the battlefield, buffs are applied to the remaining team members to balance the power of both sides.

- A hero who has withdrawn can reenter the battlefield after reconnecting.

- If the hero who withdrew reenters the battlefield, the buff effects will be reassigned based on the number of people on the team.





- A hero who does not reenter the battlefield after withdrawing will be given a 10-minute exit penalty.

- They cannot apply for battle matching while the exit penalty is applied.








◆ Colosseum Entry Info

- In the Colosseum, you can join Fierce Battle – Black Fortress as you please, without concern for entry time or entry member limits.

- Rewards are not available in the Colosseum, and the number of Colosseum plays will not be added to Daily Tasks and Achievements.

- If you leave the Colosseum, you will not get a withdrawal penalty.











[Battlefield] Fierce Battle – Reward and Shop




◆ Fierce Battle Reward

- You can get rewards based on your results when using battle matching to play Fierce Battle.






◆ World Daily/Weekly Tasks

- New World Daily/Weekly Tasks will be added along with Fierce Battle.

- Use battle matching to play Fierce Battle and complete new World Daily/Weekly Tasks.






◆ Fierce Battle Shop

- Added the Fierce Battle Shop, which can be accessed through the NPC in Saint Haven – Colosseum Shopkeeper Levan.

- Various rewards can be purchased at this shop using the currency acquired playing Fierce Battle.










◆ Fierce Battle Heraldry

- Added the new heraldry item Fierce Battle Heraldry.

- Fierce Battle Heraldry is a type of Expedition Heraldry that can be evolved up to Lv 10 that improves attribute attack power.

- Use a Fierce Battle Heraldry Evolver (Low Grade) to evolve Lv 1-3 Fierce Battle Heraldry one level higher.

- Use a Fierce Battle Heraldry Evolver (Mid Grade) to evolve Lv 4-6 Fierce Battle Heraldry one level higher.

- Use a Fierce Battle Heraldry Evolver (High Grade) to evolve Lv 7-9 Fierce Battle Heraldry one level higher.

- You can purchase Fierce Battle Heraldry Evolvers (High Grade) at the Fierce Battle Shop using 100 Fedoru's Toothbrushes obtained from Fierce Battle Contribution Reward Pouches.

- Fierce Battle Heraldry Evolvers (High Grade) can also be acquired from Fierce Battle Contribution Reward Pouches, but only rarely.

- Fierce Battle Heraldry gains an additional stat from Lv 4, and this additional stat is retained after Fierce Battle Heraldry evolution.

- Use a Fierce Battle Heraldry Converter to change a Lv 4+ Fierce Battle Heraldry's additional stat.

- The Fierce Battle Heraldry additional stat can be one of the following: ATK, Phys DEF, Magic DEF, CRT, CRT damage, Max HP, final damage, ATK%.

- Final damage and ATK% appear at low rate.









Fierce Battle - Mission/Achievements/Tasks




◆ Fierce Battle Mission

- We added 13 mission types to [Mission(L) – Colosseum – Fierce Battle].

- These missions can only be completed upon entering Fierce Battle through matching.










◆ Fierce Battle Achievements

- We added 4 types of achievements to [Mission(L) – Achievements].

- These achievements can only be completed upon entering Fierce Battle through matching.










◆ Fierce Battle Tasks

- We added 3 task types to the [Event(V) – Task List].

- These tasks can only be completed upon entering Fierce Battle through matching.








    1-2. [Battlefield] Fierce Battle – Battle Guide





◆ Developer's Comment

- Greetings, heroes!

As we present this battlefield guide, we do so with the hopes that you'll enjoy Fierce Battle – Black Fortress even more than before.

Black Fortress battlefields include various strategic elements and unexpected situations that lead to unpredictable battles.

We would like to introduce you to the existing elements in Black Fortress so that you and your team can make the right strategic choices and achieve victory.




◆ Character Skill Sets

- In Fierce Battle, characters use PvP skill sets.

(Tip: Use of a Skill Tree Expansion Coupon allows you to more easily manage PvP skill settings through the Expansion Skill window.)

- In Fierce Battle, the Dash (PvP) skill can be used.

※ Developer's Comment: We enabled the dash skill to allow for rapid movement through large battlefields.





◆ Point Acquisition Information

- Points can be obtained by defeating enemy team heroes or monsters of various grades found on the battlefield.



- When achieving First Kill, the hero will get a total of 2000 points (points for killing a normal hero + bonus points for first kill).





◆ Monster Info

- Below you'll find information on the monsters appearing in Black Fortress.

- You can check the grade of each Black Fortress monster as well as the benefits gained for killing them.





▶ Normal Monsters

Normal monsters reappear in the same area 20 seconds after dying.

Kill to receive 50pts.










▶ Elite Monsters

Elite monsters reappear in the same area 60 seconds after dying.

Kill to receive 200pts.











▶ Champion Monsters

Champion monsters reappear in the same area 150 seconds after dying.

Kill to receive 500pts and a team buff (Guardian Insignia/Destruction Insignia).











▶ Named Monsters

Named monsters appear after 5 minutes have elapsed from the start of battle.

Monsters reappear in the same area 300 seconds after dying.

Kill to receive 2500pts and a team buff (Mark of Nimnu/Mark of Isir).









▶ Boss Monsters

Named monsters appear after 8 minutes have elapsed from the start of battle.

Monsters reappear in the same area 480 seconds after dying.

Kill to receive 5000pts and a team buff (Mark of Fedoru).













◆ Monster Buff Info

- Can be acquired upon defeating monsters of a certain grade or higher and are classified as individual or team buffs, depending on the type.

※ Developer's Comment: Monster buffs are powerful enough to turn the tide in battle. It is important to determine which buff to acquire based on battlefield circumstances.




















<All monster buffs can be stacked.>









◆ Black Fortress Monster Placement

- This is information on the placement of monsters (normal, elite, champion monsters) in each zone at the start of the battle.

- The map shows the total number of points that can be acquired if all monsters in the area are defeated.

※ Developer's Comments: Depending on which area you strategically select first, you can turn the tide in battle to your advantage early on in the contest.






- This is information on the placement of monsters (named, boss monsters) that are generated on the battlefield after a certain period of time.

- The arrow indicates the patrol path of named monsters.

※ Developer's Comment: Strong team buffs can turn the tide in battle.






◆ Black Fortress Gimmicks

- There are a variety of gimmick elements that can be used strategically in Black Fortress.

- Active use of the gimmick elements can neutralize the enemy team on the battlefield or help your team survive enemy attacks.








◆ Base and Castle Gate






- At the ally base, heroes can rapidly recover HP and MP, and also receive a movement speed buff.

- Heroes can destroy the enemy's base to prevent the enemy team from being able to recover.

- The castle gate is the primary line of defense against entry into the base.

- Though the castle gate has high durability, durability cannot be restored once lost.

- Upon entering the enemy team's base, your HP will gradually decrease due to their base's firewall.

- Destroying an enemy team base will stop all base functionality and apply the 'Chains of Lamentation' debuff to enemy team heroes.

- [Chains of Lamentation: Removes all buffs/restricts movement, actions for 10 sec/disables Dash]

- The destroyed base will automatically be restored in 3 minutes.











◆ Warp Structures

- Heroes can rapidly move across the battlefield using the warp structures in Black Fortress.

- Heroes cannot use the warp structures that are designated for the other team.

- Heroes will be invincible for a brief period after using the warp structure within their base to warp outside.

- Neutral warp structures can be used by both teams, but can only be used to warp one way.











◆ Recovery item monsters & movement speed buff monsters

- There are monsters that drop recovery items when they are defeated and monsters that increase the movement speed of surrounding heroes when they are defeated.







◆ Crow Trap and Barricades

- On the roads allowing for rapid movement from the outskirts to the central part of the battlefield, there are obstacles that will obstruct the heroes.

- Upon defeating the Battlefield Crow Scythe or Crow Sickle monsters guarding the central shortcut, there is small chance a 'Crow Trap' will be activated.

- Heroes within range of the Crow Trap, will gradually lose HP and have their vision obstructed by a smoke screen.







- There is a barricade on the opposite side of the central shortcut that prevents entry.

- The barricade can be destroyed after the boss monster appears.










◆ Black Fortress Event Features

- There are features within the Black Fortress that can change the flow of battle unpredictably.

- You can determine which feature will activate based on the time during battle, using them strategically to your teams' advantage.








◆ Heat of Battle

- After a certain amount of time passes from the start of battle, the 'Heat of Battle' buff will be applied to all heroes.










◆ Battle Magic Support






- After the first 5 minutes and until the end of battle, there is a certain chance Battle Magic support of the Black Corps Mages will activate.

- The chances of Battle Magic activation increase over time.

- Battle Magic has 3 different effects that activate randomly.







◆ Hunting Time

- The Hunting Time event activates after 10 minutes have passed from the start of battle and last 5 minutes.

- During Hunting Time, heroes can deal much greater damage to monsters at or below champion grade.






- During Hunting Time, a 'Pandora Mimic' event monster that gives a great deal of points will appear in each zone of the battlefield just once (total of 6 monsters).










[2] Changes

    2-1. Rune Dragon Nest Closed



- Deleted locations for obtaining the Rune Dragon Nest-related items Rune Dragon's Scales, Rune Dragon's Wrath, Enhance Hammers, and Cherish Runes.

- Changed Rune Dragon's Scales, Rune Dragon's Wrath, and Cherish Runes into collectible items since their obtainable locations were removed.

- Removed the option for Rune Dragon equipment crafting.

- Removed Rune Dragon equipment from the Equipment Collection.

- With the closure of the Rune Dragon Nest, the missions below can no longer be carried out.

- Missions that were already completed can be checked in [Mission(L) - General - Sealed Traces].













    2-2. Slayer Mode Contents Closed



- Deleted locations for obtaining Slayer-mode related items Slayer Fragments, Slayer Mode Entry Tickets, and Enhance Hammers.

Changed Slayer Fragments and Slayer Mode Entry Tickets into collectible items since their obtainable locations were removed.

- Removed Hector equipment from the Equipment Collection.

- Slayer Mode Entry Tickets can no longer be purchased at the Slayer Mode Shop.

- We expect to close the Slayer Mode Shop for Slayer Point usage.






Slayer Mode missions can no longer be completed

- With the closure of Slayer Mode, the missions below can no longer be carried out.

- Missions that were already completed can be checked in [Mission(L) - General - Sealed Traces].





Slayer Mode achievements can no longer be completed

- With the closure of Slayer Mode, the achievements below can no longer be completed.

- The related achievement titles have as been changed as follows.








    2-3. Other


■ Revised the [Obtained Location] info for Skila equipment in the [Item Guide].


■ Closed the [Storyteller Kathy NPC]’s Crazy Duck event shop tab.


■ Modified the [Lv 95 Returned Dragoner Gift Box] so that it can also be opened by the Vena Plaga class.


■ Modified the [Sealed Warrior Expedition Crest] item icon.


■ Modified the bug sometimes slowing down the arrow pattern in the Blue Raven Territory.


Improved the Meteorite Crash Site Center stage.

Tweaked monster appearance locations/amounts, tempo, and Invader appearance locations.


Mail containing an item can no longer be deleted.

- Now that mail containing an item can no longer be deleted, all items need to be collected before the delete function is activated.

- However, mail containing items beyond their expiry date can be deleted.


■ Improved the tool tips on the obtained location of Minos Lebrium, Fissive Vortex, Flames of Minos.

■ Ladder Shop changes
- The purchase of Hector equipment at the Ladder Shop has been terminated.

Changed the tab order of the Ladder Shop to make it easier to use.

■ Fixed the bug where a message is not displayed upon acquisition of the Mid Grade Luminous Dragon Jade Heart in the Forest Dragon Nest.

■ Fixed the bug where the cut scenes continue in the following nests despite pressing to skip them:

- [Mist Nest] / [Volcano Nest] / [Guardian Nest] / [Sea Dragon Nest] / [Archbishop Nest]


■ Fixed the bug where the passageway before Volcano Nest Stage 1 was blocked halfway.


■ Modified the attack pattern of Granom Nest Stage 3 boss [Sentinel Glacinom] so that it ascends into the sky and shoots after 2 minutes.


■ Added into the Skilled Hero Main Weapons description that they can equip skill-enhancing Dragon Jade.








[3] Balance

    3-1. June Skill Balancing



























    3-2. Skill Balancing – PvP














[4] Event

    4-1. EVENT - Sea Fishing



Sea Fishing is now open!!



Tired of hunting? Fishing event is back!!

Who will become the [Legend of the Sea] who catches the most fishes this time?




Saint Haven East Gate ▶ Bonus Island Fishing Ground

Saint Haven West Gate ▶ Bonus Island Fishing Ground

Saint Haven South Gate ▶ Bonus Island Fishing Ground







What is Sea Fishing?



Unlike Fishing in the Farm, this is a Fishing Tournament where you can only enter during the event's opening hours.


1. Characters above Level 24 who have acquired [Secondary Skill]-[Fishing Skill] can do Sea Fishing for 30 minutes in [Bonus Island Fishing Ground] for each account.

2. Fishes caught in Sea Fishing will be accumulated in the Ranking and Top 10 players who have caught the most fishes can get ranking rewards.

3. Ranking will be calculated for each season and rewards will be sent to the mailbox at 9am.


* One season is divided into 2 parts. (Please refer to the schedule for more information.)
* Each account can participate for 30 minutes in one season.




[Sea Fishing]







[How to Enter Sea Fishing]

You can only enter Sea Fishing from Saint Haven's South Gate. Click [Bonus Island Fishing Ground] to see more information.

You will see how full the currently available maps are, the opening hours, and the rewards you can get.

If the event is ongoing, select a Fishing Ground to enter and click [Enter] to enter the Fishing Ground.




[What's Special About Sea Fishing]

You can catch HUGE fishes in Sea Fishing.

You will see a special effect when you catch a big Sea Fish.


* Take note!

Q : How do I know how many fishes I've caught in the current season?

A : You can see a total sum of the size of the fishes you've caught at the right hand corner of the screen.


- The total size shown is only for one season and it will be initialized when a new season begins.




[Sea Fishing NPC]

You can get ranking information and buy fishing-related tools from Sea Fishing NPC Fishing King Salman located at [Saint Haven Southern Gate].



[Sea Fishing Ranking]

After talking to Fishing King Salman, select [Sea Fishing Leaderboard] to see the ranking.

Top 10 players based on the [number of fishes caught] and [total sum of the size of the fishes caught] for this season will get special rewards.


You can also buy [Fishing Rods] and [Baits] from Fishing King Salman.







He also sells fishing poles and bait, so hurry up and start fishing!





Sea Fishing Schedule









    4-2. Hands-on with Dragon Nest!

[EVENT] Storm of Time and Space has changed.


June [EVENT] Storm of Time and Space - Hands-on with Dragon Nest! -

- Awaken the soul sleeping within your memories to defeat Apocalypse!

- A total of 12 types of spirits will choose among you.

- However, you may not be chosen due to the whims of these souls.

- The powers of light and darkness have been sealed by the evil intentions of Apocalypse!

- If two spirits come into contact with one another, the transformation will be canceled due to the impact of the collision.

*Make sure you are selected by a new soul when the transformation has been canceled!






    4-3. June Attendance Event

- Players will get one 'Goddess Coin' as an attendance reward with each daily login from June maintenance until the next update.

- You can exchange 30 Goddess Coins for a ‘Deep Twilight Box (Class-exclusive Armor)’ through ‘Priestess of Darkness Canele’, located in ‘Sunset Watchtower’.

- You can exchange 10 Goddess Coins for a 'Goddess Heraldry' in the 'Skill Heraldry Shop' > 'Goddess Heraldry' tab.





[5] Cash Shop

    5-1. May Costume: Samurai (Japanese) Costume (Epic)


Kind Samurai Costume Package


Clandestine Samurai Costume Package


Faithful Samurai Costume Package




- Aircrew Costume (Rare) Costume remains for June




    5-2. Red Lotus Palace Gacha-Box Update
 - Raspberry Lace Trimmimng W/T/D







    5-3. [Minion] Snow Leopard 4.0 - Legend


• Legend Minion [Snow Leopard] is released.

• Legend Minion [Snow Leopard] specializes in Elemantal (Ice/Fire/Light/Dark) Attack.

• [Steel Retrobo] is no longer available at Lindsay Store.




- Legend minion accessories [Snow Leopard] Chick Feather Hat Set, [Snow Leopard] Gallant Scount Set are available!

- Legend minion accessories are usable in Trading House up to 4 times.