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NEWS (Updated as of 17th June) Winner Announcement : Color Your Machina! (2022.06) 13. Jun. 2022 Views 34767





[Updated as of 17th June]



Hello, this is [GM]Loren. 

According to the end of the reporting period, I'd like to notify the major changes to this event result. 


First, we deprive the reward qualification of the below participants who did not submit their appropriate proof within the deadline. In addition, those game accounts will be sanctioned for 7-days as a result of interference with the service operation. (DN-OHT-01)




[Disqualified List]














Second, we draw the conclusion to promote the Special Reward Winners. They will be received the main reward, not a Special Reward on the coming Scheduled Maintenance. 

Third, the participant who joined this event by using the artwork that established the win record in the previous event will be demoted from main to Special Reward.

Our sincere purpose was to prevent the participation of the existing winning work and we wholly recognized the fact that missing the track for the former event history in reviewing all submissions. 

Before everything else, we sincerely apologize for the missing specific rule of duplicate entry and promise to enhance our policy for the next time. 




[Demoted List]




※No service ban applied.





Lastly, we will not select the additional winners for the unoccupied place. As a consequence of this decision, a total of 38 winners have been made from this event.

※This post will be gradually updated to reflect the changes from 17th June.



I and our team eagerly support the 'legitimate right of original creator' policy. We will do our best to fulfill this principle as we always have been.

To construct a more healthy and fair community, we ask for all Adventurers' kind cooperation and attention.



Best regards,








[Updated as of 14th June]




Good day, this is [GM]Loren. 


For those who have been remarked as Pending and desire to report of stealing work, please submit the ticket via the Customer Center with your reference before midnight, 16th June (GMT+8).

The winning qualification will be eliminated if you do not hand the reference in and this post will be consistently updated before the reward is out. 


In addition, we would like to inform all of you that the player who plagiarizes or illegally steal any artwork will be sanctioned by the policy. 

False reports can be also sanctioned so please make sure to report with a well-grounded reference for any case.




Thank you.


Best regards,











Happy to announce the winner list of the 2022 Machina Drawing Event!

As we informed, we selected the best 40 painters but have drafted 3 painters more. Those will be awarded the special reward, durational pandora boxes.

└Event Link:




Congratulations all winners and thank you for decorating the awakening update patch (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)

For any questions, please submit the ticket via 1:1 service and if you detect the stealing work among this artwork, also report it via the center with the original reference. (Click)




※For those whose IGN has been marked as red color, submit proof of original artwork ground within 26th June, 2022.  If not, the winner's qualification will be removed and the reward won't be delivered. 

※Please make sure that false reports can be offended in accordance with the relevant policy.

※Event reward date: During the Scheduled Maintenance on 27th June (GMT+8)





※Reference numbers are unrelated to the rank. There is no rank award in this event.







1.  IMorizuki
















2. IKanrojiI











3. Vhodca











4. Reseda











5. Meiishroom









6. ImjustXian












7. NecubusKID (disqualified due to tracing issue)












8. Seiyunah














9. Sithel














10. AzelKaZama














11. KamiTsume













12. KyrieMell














13.  Celesinia













14. KuonLyn











15. Evtia











16. Jowmhee









17. AmiyaUwu












18. Reanoite










19.  HiIIing










20. Ceagene













21. AzhraSenju (Disqualified due to illegal usage)











22. SenhimeX1









23. Tyreas (Disqualified due to tracing issue)











24. Windille















25. Urimasa (Disqualified due to illegal usage)











26. Fisabito (Verified as of 14th June, 2022)










27. Feiiver









28. Roechella











29. KwonMina16

















30. JamezaNR









31. inisiel










32. AionKuro











33. Krusef








34. Marcylaved











35. Lorencito















36. mk33333














37. Bekora














38. Cygnus0 (Disqualified due to illegal usage)












39. Stelarys









40. LasAellas











[Updated as of 17th June, 2022]


According to the change decision, the below special winners have been promoted as the main winners. DNP rewards will be awarded instead of Special Lagendia Pandora Boxes.







[WAIT! OH~ I Can't See this Alone ・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。]




Unfortunately, these paints didn't win the award, but we were happy that the warm heart on the update was forwarded so well.

Thank you for making the many staff happy with them! As a sign of gratitude, we will send 5 Special Lagendia Pandora Boxes to your Special Storage. 








1. inoviich











2. hexpectre














3. Mochimiu






















Thank you so much to everyone who participated.

We will cherish all submitted works from this event forever and hope this event remains a good memory for all of you as well. 








